political crossroads

Generally, our decisions are taken into account, unless we are reckless people who are dragged along by the herd, dragged by the lack of patents on the criteria, and don’t care about the end result. It is also true that in too many cases risky paths are taken, forced by vulgar or distorted ideas, with disastrous consequences later on.

Consciously measuring decisions and decisions is something that can be overlooked and, frankly, lead to difficult situations. One of the most complex situations arises when you have to necessarily take sides, and you end up at a real crossroads because all the solutions to the problem are negative or at least questionable.

Faced with the threat of yet another recession, the citizens of this country are also subjected to insult and disgrace by the actions of a bizarre government that has turned against it and continues to be supported by incompatible ideological arms. it threatens to upset the political balance, with or without the slightest excuse.

One of the disenchanted trenches had to make those blinded by a vision of irresponsible government see that elections had to be made to inject new and renewed impulses into the country.

Our representatives have gone astray, devoid of ideas and ideals, living in the reality of revenge and giving a bitter feeling that they have dragged an entire people with them. Excuses are useless, irrational fears about the future or smokescreens to disperse gossip no longer work.

You must calm down and instill hope with new wisdom. Although the worst thing is that current politics will take us one of those impossible paths, not knowing who to appoint to represent us, because neither one nor the other is dependent on the circumstances in which we live. We probably find ourselves in one of those times when we want to forget before we live.

The apparent absence of trusted leaders, proclaimed and well-known statesmen, great men who guide our destiny with fortitude and valor makes us more vulnerable than ever before.

In the face of such an uncertain panorama of a war economy, an unstoppable increase in essential products, an uncontrolled epidemic, and more, it seems incredible that all that matters is staying in power at any cost. .

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when we have to go to the polls again to decide about our future, we will have the additional problem of having no one to vote, because those who can truly represent us seem to be overshadowed.

Source: Informacion


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