After TikTok was blocked, the Russian-language Telegram channel was advertised in Times Square 16:59

In New York’s Times Square, known for its many advertising screens and banners, the announcement of the Russian-language Telegram channel “Backdoor” appeared. information about this appeared “Back Door” is on the Telegram channel.

The channel’s editors wrote that they bought advertising space in Times Square to “save Americans from the TikTok ban.” By “recovery” I mean “Backdoor” is the issuance of instructions that will allow US citizens to continue using TikTok despite the service being blocked in the country.

“We bought an ad in Times Square to save Americans from getting banned by TikTok! This is not a montage or a gimmick – the “Back Door” link is currently spinning on a giant screen in the heart of the USA – the guide is on the way,” reads the “Back Door” description.

The video lasts 15 seconds. The first scene shows a rose, a memorial candle, and the words “RIP TikTok 2018-2025 in the USA.” After “Backdoor,” he appeals sympathetically to Americans with the words “we know how you feel” and invites them to his Telegram channel, promising a solution to the blocking of the popular service.

“Backdoor” is a popular Russian-language Telegram channel that provides technology-related news. At the time the news was written, more than 1.5 million people had subscribed.

Previously it became clearElon Musk is considering launching a TikTok rival.

What are you thinking?

Source: Gazeta


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