This Spanish Footballers Association (AFE) supposedly criticized this Tuesday practices of “questionable legality” carried out by the president Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Luis Rubialesallegedly commissioned spying on union president David AganzoBehaviors that the body asks the Supreme Sports Council (CSD) to investigate, the AFE said in a statement.

“From AFE We do not approve of such behavior as we believe it harms the image of an institution such as the Royal Spanish Football Federation. Spanish football in particular and in general” began with the text published by the association regarding information received from El Confidencial, where it was alleged that Rubiales allegedly hired detective services to spy on Aganzo’s “behaviour”.

AFE said: Such a maneuver is “more like practices of questionable legality”, Rubiales intends to “force and intimidate.” the association’s role in football and in the “defense of its members and affiliates”. Trade unions, as emphasized in Article 7 of the Spanish Constitution, are organizations that defend the rights of workers and deserve to be recognized and respected.

“Given this information, AFE considers an investigation with private detectives unfair It was mandated by the RFEF to interfere with the normal development of the Union’s daily life. “This is intolerable cruelty to the highest representative of the football team in our country and to a union whose independence should always prevail,” he said.

so unity Asked CSD to open an investigation To determine whether there is a behavior that refers to serious or very serious violations specified in Article 76 of the Sports Law.

“At AFE we understand that must act strongly against such acts by an institution that acts with public delegation and therefore has a projection of public powers that must intervene to preserve the good name of an institution of importance to football and the RFEF.”

AFE explained there is no “legitimate interest” in obtaining services from a detective agency in this situation. with the intent to investigate the president, and yes, “a false interest to tarnish his image, his reputation, and the reputation of the association he represents”.

Given the seriousness of what happened, AFE and its chairman, David Aganzo, will take legal action as well as escalating their concerns and disapproval to UEFA, FIFA and FIFPRO (International Federation of Professional Footballers). some criminal liability or disciplinary objection to their code of conduct,” he said.

They also reminded us that there is “similar precedent”. “Sounds of a study session were leaked from the RFEF, where the RFEF did not ask the participating parties for permission to record.Said federation, headed by Luis Rubiales, was fined 200,000 euros by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

“We believe that episodes like this should not be approved and that those who play in these dramas should be outside the field of sports,” he said.

Given the “disturbing situation”

For its part, the RFEF denied signing a contract with a detective agency, explaining: Members of AFE’s Board of Directors and other affiliates contacted Rubiales for assistance with the “disturbing situation”. after the union accused of bribing the president.

“The RFEF wishes to categorically deny that the president or RFEF himself received any services from any detective agency, developed these follow-up actions, or, of course, was aware of the report implied by the information. . . . The media is deliberately reconstructing a false story that links the president to facts that have nothing to do with‘ he declared.

The RFEF also recalled that Rubiales, who was president of the AFE from 2010-2017 and a member for “more than two decades”, “was, was and will be an active member of the AFE” and is therefore “”.He talked about the troubling state of the union with other players and former playersDavid Aganzo’s behavior confirmed the current concern among a large group of affiliates when the current president accused him of bribing a public official to illegally obtain confidential documents from the Footballers Ten. justice,” he explained.

He cooperated with the outraged when he learned of possible bribery by former AFE employee Antonio Saiz, who was condemned and fired for doing so. for this possible application. Members of the AFE Board and other prominent militants contacted Rubiales, who always offered help and cooperation in uncovering the truth within the framework of union membership and to encourage a change of course and direction in the organisation. It is never against the law with actions similar to those that El Confidencial intends to attribute to the head of the RFEF today,” he continued.

In addition, the federal body condemned “new chapter of disinformation to the public“Extend the campaign of personal harassment against the RFEF president and his team, led by the media, “through a new distortion of reality by constructing another story that has nothing to do with reality,” he said. The sole purpose of “false news” is to “harm” Rubiales.