In2security experts warn of a new Russian fraud threat. In the message they published on Telegram, experts said that attackers started using phishing sites disguised as official sources of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. about this reports Publication “”.
According to experts, fraudsters pretending to be employees of the Central Bank or the Ministry of Internal Affairs often use auxiliary sites to verify their legitimacy. These sites are designed to verify the background of government employees, but they are actually a scam tool.
Experts explained that fraudsters disguise phishing resources as official websites to control the data of department employees. These sites offer victims confirmation that the calling government official can be trusted and encourage them to transfer money to a “secure” account.
Russians before said About the most popular scam schemes of 2024.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.