“You can replace a spoon.” Should I Buy Beauty Tools?

Today, the beauty market offers a wide variety of tools to choose from, which should correct all the imperfections in appearance. Such devices include silicone electric massagers, which are supposed to clean and tighten the skin of the face, or darsonval and laser combs, which, for example, dilate blood vessels using pulsed alternating current, improve blood circulation and nutrition of skin and mucous tissues. as well as hair.

According to Claudia Golman, who runs a YouTube channel about skin and hair care, all beauty tools can be divided into two categories: devices with research-driven technology and various cleansing and massage devices. The first group may include microcurrent devices, LED devices, radio frequency devices, laser combs.

“It’s all about physical therapy, and yes, each of these devices might work. I say “could” because no blind randomized trials have been done on specific household appliances. So, it may or may not work, so it’s better not to have high hopes,” he said. explained Golman.

According to him, the effect is noticeable after using a laser comb, which accelerates hair growth. Microcurrent devices can also help relieve puffiness and make the face more rested.

“If you have the desire to devote time to physiotherapy at home and the financial opportunity to try some kind of device, why not,” said the interlocutor of socialbites.ca.

However, Golman emphasized that massage and cleaning tools not only have obvious benefits, but also can cause harm.

“I am more than skeptical about the category of massage and cleansing devices. I found a small, reasonably adequate study with a control group that showed good results with regular massage for almost 20 weeks.

And somehow, it’s hardly believable that we’re all running sharply for massagers.

It seems to me that cleaning brushes are at least pointless and at most harmful. Rubbing stimulates mechanical exfoliation and potential injury to the skin barrier,” explained Golman.

As dermatologist-cosmetologist Elena Vasilyeva, founder of the Belle Allure Beauty Institute, told socialbites.ca, such beauty devices work only with a placebo effect.

“First, such devices are often produced with a single program; they do not provide the possibility of individual parameter selection for a particular patient. Even if they have several programs, it is still an independent choice – it’s a ball shot at sparrows. Secondly, the parameters in such devices are very low, and I very doubt that the promised result will be achieved, ”explained Vasilyeva.

In addition, do not forget that some beauty tools, such as darsonval, carry out a medical physiotherapy procedure, which may have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, according to Vasilyeva, you need to seriously consider the purchase of such gadgets.

At the same time, many experts believe that buying various massage tools or silicone facial brushes is a waste of money.

“Often, the simpler and cheaper the tool, the more effective. For example, electric facial brushes that vibrate and cleanse the face can be replaced with a regular gouache roller or even a regular spoon, the effect of which is not worse,” explained Yulia, a member of the International Association of Facial Trainers Chuprikova, master of facial massage.

Also, according to him, even the most “fancy” tool can cause damage if used incorrectly.

Beauticians say that various beauty tools, such as facial massagers, laser combs and physiotherapy devices, do not always provide the positive effect that the manufacturer claims. Which devices are worth the money, and which are better to refuse – in the material of socialbites.ca.

Source: Gazeta


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