“We operate in a country where, instead of the Tribunal’s rulings, we apply prepared legislation instead of the applicable law AD hoc “According to the opinions of various lawyers, this is anarchization of law,” Julia Przyłębska, chairwoman of the Constitutional Tribunal, told a reporter from Telewizja wPolska during the conference “Loyalty to Poland” marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Krystyna Paluszyńska-Daszkiewicz.
TV reporter in Poland Maciej Zemła spoke with the President of the Constitutional Tribunal, Julia Przyłębska, during a conference at the Tribunal dedicated to Prof. Krystyna Paluszyńska Daszkiewicz. In March this year, the law professor, criminal law expert and psychologist turned 100.
The initiative came from Professor Justyn Piskorski, who worked closely with Professor Daszkiewicz. I graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and during my studies the professor also worked at this university
– reminded the President of the Constitutional Court.
This is an extraordinary, outstanding figure, therefore it is an honor for TK to host speakers and lecturers who dedicated their speeches to Professor Daszkiewicz
– said Julia Przyłębska.
Soon we will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. The Constitutional Tribunal has always considered issues related to the Second World War, and especially to its victims, including the forgotten ones, such as the prisoners of Ravensbrück.
– she remembered.
Przyłębska: The time for the Constitutional Court’s review will come when the law is adopted
A reporter from Telewizja wPolska also asked the President of the Constitutional Tribunal for her opinion on the draft reforms of the Tribunal that the Sejm is currently working on.
Unlike my predecessors, e.g. Rzepliński and his entourage, I do not want to get involved in the legislative process. The Constitutional Tribunal is placed in such a place in the Constitution that it checks the constitutionality of laws adopted by Parliament
– emphasized Julia Przyłębska.
My previous statement about my involvement in the proceedings, which took place in 2015, would be out of place. I suggest that you read the opinions of many excellent staff members. The time for the Tribunal’s assessment will come when the law is passed
– said the interlocutor of the Telewizja wPoland journalist.
“RCL is obliged to publish the decisions of the Constitutional Court”
Unfortunately, the Government Legislation Centre – I could maliciously say “RCL of Mrs Joanna Knapińska”, but I am saying it for the first and last time, because I believe that this kind of disapproval of the institution is unjustified – nevertheless, RCL is clearly, firstly: contrary to the Constitution, which makes it clear that RCL has a duty to publish
– Przyłębska noted.
There is no room here for questions or giving opinions. The task of this body is solely to publish and announce the decisions of the Constitutional Court
– added the interlocutor from Telewizja wPolska.
What happens if the Constitutional Court’s rulings are not published?
There is a bizarre situation, aimed at all citizens, because the Constitutional Court, contrary to the stories spread here and there, operates, functions and issues judgments, including those on ordinary Poles, in tax matters, in social benefits matters and the like. . And these judgments are not published. And citizens have the right to benefit from decisions that are often positive for them
– stressed the President of the Constitutional Court.
Meanwhile, there is a situation where there are several dozen unpublished judgments, despite my letters and drawing attention. We have absolutely no reaction here and I am appealing from here, hoping that Mrs. Joanna Knapińska, as the head of RCL, who has worked there for many years, will publish these judgments
– Przyłębska added.
We operate in a country where, instead of the Tribunal’s rulings, we apply prepared legislation instead of the applicable law AD hoc opinions of different lawyers, this is anarchization of law. And that is what this activity leads to
– concluded the President of the Constitutional Court.
jj/Television in Poland
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.