“The Minister of Agriculture talks to farmers for a month and cannot agree on anything. There are no decisions,” PiS MP Robert Telus said in an interview with wPolityce.pl. The former head of the Ministry of Agriculture also commented on the fact that Donald Tusk has not yet found time to meet protesting farmers.
Donald Tusk said he was referring to the farmers’ protest planned for March 6, in which NSZZ “Solidarność” will also participate. Unfortunately, there was an arrogant tone to his words.
I have the impression that agricultural ‘Solidarity’ has been active in these protests from the beginning and therefore does not need to join. I think she was always present at all the protests
– said the Prime Minister sarcastically. His words were commented on by Robert Telus of PiS for the wPolityce.pl portal.
Solidarność RI is one of the oldest trade unions in Poland. This is a union that fought for democracy in Poland. It’s incomprehensible to me that someone doesn’t like him. Now Solidarity RI has signed an agreement with Workers’ Solidarity, which is and is the same as during martial law and before. Why am I climbing martial law. The government was also sworn in on December 13, and this date is always associated with martial law and the actions this government takes. Remember, you enter TVP at 3am. These are martial law methods
– said the former Minister of Agriculture, adding:
We remember that when Tusk was in power, miners were shot at, not during communism, but now.
READ ALSO: Tusk announces agricultural summit: “I will meet the protesters.” He attacked ‘Solidarity’ and the demonstrators themselves
“They haven’t even submitted an application to the EU.”
Telus notes that Tusk avoids meetings with protesters and does not take any action to protect Polish agriculture.
This is very symbolic. When these protests started, blockades were organized in 250 places, Donald Tusk was skiing. The protest has been going on for more than a month and during this time the Prime Minister of the Polish government has not had time to meet Polish farmers. It is unbelievable. When the United Right had responsibility for Poland, Prime Minister Matusz Morawiecki met several times with farmers and unions, including with Solidarity RI
– reminds the Law and Justice politician. It reminds us that this is not just about farmer issues, but about the safety of all of us.
Donald Tusk has no respect for farmers. Above all, it ignores what is most important to all of us: food security. It is as important as military security because soldiers also need food.
– emphasizes Telus, who does not understand why the coalition government has not taken any steps to save the situation of the farmers for so many months.
This is incomprehensible to me. The Minister of Agriculture talks to farmers for a month and cannot agree on anything. There are no decisions. When we had such a situation, I went to the farmers, talked to them day and night, and then we signed an agreement, after which the protest was stopped. And later we implemented these agreements. In the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, we signed an agreement on sixteen demands and implemented fourteen of them. These were real concrete actions. And now these activities are not happening at all.
– says the former Minister of Agriculture and points out that it has even been decided to continue the protective measures of the United Right.
An application has not yet been submitted to the EU, which could take months to be processed, to pay aid to Polish farmers. To at least continue what we started. I am not even saying that we should come up with something new, but in any case continue with what we started, namely fuel reimbursement up to PLN 2, reimbursement of excise duties on fuel. Manure subsidy, grain subsidy. We introduced it, but they are not following up or even applying
– emphasizes Robert Telus.
— Peasant protests in Europe. Nitek-Płażyńska: The EU rushes with absurd demands that damage the wallet and security
— Three PiS specifications for farmers. Morawiecki: Immediate extension of the embargo, stop the Green Deal, subsidies for farmers
Source: wPolityce

Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.