praise for silence

I decided to shut up. Yes, I don’t know, I’m an easy go-to person and a constant commenter. Però s’ha finished, faig meu dret served not to speak, to be silenced. Davant to so many unfair, ridiculous and mediocre comments about quotidianitat, l’assumpció de l’absurd com a logic, The imposition of argument, the triumph of dogma of belief, the triumph of rationality, proclaim my silence. I would say these are the era, or a joc de paraules aimed at attention. And yes, the paraula, ho faig amb el Diario INFORMATION written in the lllibertat d’aquest espai de reflected that it was allowed. I named the title of an episode I knew “Sense pèls a la llengua” and, in order not to deter me from commenting or filtering the title, he thought. I decided to stop the Però davant de l’estupefacció, meua veu, which permeates day after day.

After any of the weekly nonstop articles I was able to value the various impulses or directions in my area of ​​interest, and to deal with social, cultural, educational and life issues in general. This is the magic of communication, being able to share reflections and comments from the humble meua state. college literature professor and authorGive tingut les miues lessons as a starting point or d’arribada. Some articles from the newspaper’s newspaper, the digital version of Payment d’aquest, or the social archives, that more or less attracted readers’ attention, came to your mans every day.

I didn’t think the meu silencio was a komiat. I intend to continue with my small contribution each week, if those responsible for Mitjà m’ho allow it. If I spoke to be quiet at the beginning of this post, I am referring to the current mood, which is more than something I will not talk about. This is my personal choice, I respect it because I usually have to deal with them rather than the characters that limit my chapter. Estalvi d’espai i estalvi d’impressions: mai m’ enjoyed, endless articles that, after some thick examination, come to no conclusion. Also, the best way to deal with them is to ignore them. Davant de la ignomínia, mayor la passivitat, deixar-los a banda y no dedica-los el temps que puga perdre amb ells. I do not know: meu temps or.

Those who know me know that those who deal with the subjugation of people, the imposition of unreasonable decisions, frivolity and general interest, and above all, the automatic disqualification sentiment, the cap tipus of the discussion infuriates me. or shared reflection on topics embedded in a collection. Ja fa temps vaig I will find out that the best writer is the person who is not fa, això és, who leaves evidence in email, whatsapp. teua contrarietat or opposition The end of the pot was sent against utilitzat, fora de context, teua. There are always people who are biased, divisive, very different from the general feeling, which is an expression you offer to someone with a pretesa confiança. William Shakespeare, one of the most interesting playwrights of universal literature, used to say, “It is better to be king of the silent than to be the slave of the silent paraules”. How much the author had to do with the positioning of those who performed a role or a concrete role—almost theatrical—on a day-to-day basis! Although I’ve always been an easy diction, I eventually learned that my freedom passed by silencing my parallels.

I don’t know who potser is a hores d’ara meua recançaOn which subjects I have decided to remain silent. No patiu, those who know me—the cool ones—can make the guesses and guesses they think. I’m sure I guessed the riddle. At the same time, I learned to understand the danger of lies, the absurdity of deception to try to show that we are not and to justify wrong decisions that threaten mediocre and banal personalities who are only interested in a perfect external image. seus defects. Being with us, acknowledging difference and diversity is a reality that doesn’t have to deal with the main purpose being enforced: Be happy and I will give this feeling to our environment. Paraula de mut!

Source: Informacion


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