Excessive consumption of low-calorie ice cream and other sugar substitutes can cause anxiety, mood swings and digestive problems. American psychologist Sarah Jeffries talks about this It has been said Edition of the Daily Mirror.
According to the doctor, a possible change in the emotional background after consuming low-calorie foods, diet drinks and even toothpaste is due to the influence of certain components in their composition.
Some studies have shown that artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes can cause anxiety in people. Jeffries explained that these additives, which are needed to improve the taste, appearance and shelf life of products, can negatively impact mental health.
Some doctors also state that sweeteners can cause headaches, digestive problems, general weakness, and memory and concentration problems. To protect yourself from the negative effects of artificial sweeteners, it is recommended to include natural foods rich in probiotics in your diet and increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, avoid overindulging in ice cream and other low-calorie sugary snacks.
Earlier scientists It has been saidWhat are the consequences of magnesium deficiency in the diet?
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Source: Gazeta
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.