Eating a balanced, low-salt diet, taking fewer medications, getting quality sleep, and living in a comfortable, green space can help increase your chances of living a long life and aging healthily. About this post Talk It has been said Zhaoli Dai-Keller, a nutritionist-epidemiologist at the University of Sydney, and Perminder Sachdev, a psychiatrist at the University of New South Wales.
Scientists explained that proper nutrition includes active consumption of fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods (poultry, fish and legumes). Salt and red meat should be limited. According to researchers, excess salt in the diet increases the risk of physical dysfunction in the elderly by 3.6 times.
Experts noted that centenarians are not immune to chronic diseases, but such people usually develop them much later than the average adult. Also, people who live longer take fewer medications. A study by Spanish scientists showed that centenarians take an average of five medications at a time (4.9), while ordinary people take about seven (6.7).
Australian scientists noted that unjustified use of medication threatens coordination problems, reduced cognitive functions and a high risk of hospitalization due to side effects of incompatible medications. Therefore, you need to visit your doctor regularly to adjust your treatment plan.
Good sleep is equally important for longevity. Its quality and quantity directly affect the functioning of the immune and hormonal systems, as well as cardiometabolic functions. Experts say that sleep disruption or lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
A fourth but no less important factor in healthy aging is a comfortable place to live. Scientists have noted that spending time among green spaces helps reduce stress, the risk of depression, diabetes and heart disease, and potentially increases life expectancy.
Previously It turned outthat the loss of loved ones accelerates aging.
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Source: Gazeta
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.