Danish scientists from the University of Copenhagen have discovered the neural mechanism of cocaine addiction. The discovery could accelerate the search for a cure for drug cravings. The study was published in the scientific journal magazine Nature.
The team used the world’s most powerful electron microscope to examine the structure of a particular protein called DAT, which is responsible for transporting the hormone dopamine. Dopamine stimulates the reward centre in the brain and produces pleasurable sensations.
Scientists have found that cocaine itself does not cause dopamine release. Instead, the drug disrupts DAT, preventing the hormone from being removed from the reward center. As a result, the human brain begins to perceive any action as pleasure.
“When cocaine blocks the dopamine transporter, it will continue to stimulate the dopamine reward center, even if the experience itself is not very pleasant. In other words, we can no longer distinguish between what is truly pleasant and what is not, and then any input to our senses seems beautiful. We could say that cocaine tricks the brain. It is a kind of chemical brainwashing,” explained Professor Klaus Löland, co-author of the scientific study.
Scientists say understanding how cocaine and other euphoric drugs work could help find ways to help people break free from addiction.
Previous researchers discovered High levels of cocaine were found in the bodies of sharks living off the coast of Brazil.
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Source: Gazeta
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.