In our daily routine, we all look for useful strategies and tips to manage our daily activities efficiently. A common dilemma that arises is the best way to do this. Wash your sneakers in the washing machine without damaging them. If you’ve ever wondered about this topic, you’re in luck. We offer you a complete guide to washing your sneakers in the washing machine to make them look like they were just bought!

What you need to do before putting your sneakers in the washing machine

The first and most important step is to prepare the shoes. Before you even think about putting your sneakers in the washing machine, It is important to remove laces and insoles. This not only allows for a more thorough clean, but also takes care of the little details that make them unique. The laces can be hand washed, but if you prefer something more comfortable, place them in a cloth laundry bag and put them in the washing machine with the shoes.

Protection is a must: The trick to knowing how to wash sneakers in the washing machine

Have you ever heard The sound of sneakers hitting the drum of the washing machine? A symphony that many of us are familiar with. But there is a solution: Put your sneakers in an old pillowcase or mesh bag. this little one cleaning number It acts as a protective shield for your shoes and machine. Also, if you are using a pillowcase, be sure to cover it with elastic bands or rubber bands to keep your sneakers safe inside.

The secret to reducing noise and shock

If you’re wondering how to wash your sneakers in the washing machine without looking like there’s a war going on, here it is. The secret: old towels. By adding towels, you’ll not only reduce noise, but you’ll also prevent your slippers from repeatedly hitting the walls of the washing machine.

Choosing the right detergent to wash sneakers in the washing machine

This step is very important. choose one mild detergent. And if you don’t want your sneakers to be a bleaching experiment, please avoid bleach at all costs.

What about washing machine settings?

When you think about how to wash your sneakers in the washing machine, Choose a delicate program and cold water. Some shoes, especially those with heat-sensitive materials, can deform in hot water.

The art of drying: how to wash your sneakers in the washing machine and keep them looking like new

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Drying is the final stage. Once your sneakers are clean, give them a good place to dry. Avoid the temptation to speed up the process with direct sunlight or a hair dryer.. If you want them to keep their shape, fill them with newspaper.

Now that you know how to wash your sneakers in the washing machine, you have no excuses for them not being perfect. This household trick not only keeps sneakers clean, but also extends their life. Try this method and be surprised by the results!