American doctor Stuart Fisher said that non-alcoholic “tonic” drinks can be dangerous for the heart and blood vessels due to their high content of caffeine, a psychoactive substance. In this respect reports Daily mail.
Dr. Fisher explained that 100 milligrams of caffeine is the dosage that can trigger a heart attack in people with a little-known heart condition called long QT syndrome. This is a violation of electrical repolarization of the heart. Repolarization is the phase in which the initial concentration of sodium ions in the cardiac cell membrane is restored. In other words, it is the process of repairing the heart muscle before the next contraction. Failures in the healing process lead to an increased risk of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). This pathology can cause fainting and convulsions. Additionally, heart rhythm disorders can cause death.
Many soft drinks (including sodas) contain too much caffeine. They are often positioned by manufacturers as “tonic” and “healthy”. The concentration of psychoactive substances in them is much higher than in coffee drinks.
The doctor warned that high doses of caffeine are dangerous not only for people with long QT syndrome. In healthy people, consuming more than 400 milligrams of this substance per day can cause headaches, insomnia, irritability, rapid heartbeat, muscle tremors and fatigue.
It was before named An effective way to improve sleep quality.
Source: Gazeta
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