What are the 13 most poisonous animals in the world?

Snakes, scorpions and jellyfish are perhaps the first ones that come to mind when making this list. animals the most poisonous in the world. Perhaps that’s why it will surprise many people to know that this list should also include species of snails, frogs, octopuses, fish, and even mammals and birds. Some don’t even have teeth or stingers, and just touching them is enough to suffer the consequences of their poison. These are some of the most poisonous animals on the planet:

Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

Inland Taipan. XLerate

One bite of this snake contains enough venom to kill 125 adults and more than 250,000 mice. Its venom (neurotoxins, hemotoxins, hemotoxins, and nephrotoxins) is 500 times more potent than that of most rattlesnakes, causes cardiorespiratory arrest, and can kill an adult human within 45 minutes. There is an antidote. It lives in Australia and does not usually attack as it is a solitary animal that prefers to hide rather than confront.

black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)

Young Black Mamba example. Bernard Dupont

Although more venomous species exist, it is considered the world’s most dangerous snake, as it causes the death of 100% of affected individuals in less than 20 minutes unless antivenom is injected (the most effective was discovered in 2018). . It injects amounts of poison (neurotoxins and cardiotoxins) eight times greater than required to kill an adult human. It is fast (20 km/h) and very aggressive. It lives in parts of Africa, normally around 2.5 meters but can reach up to twice that size.

stonefish (Synanceia horrida)

Stone fish. Tim Evanson

It is the most poisonous fish. Their feathers are located on the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins, and each has two poison glands. They do not attack people, the danger is to step on them as they mix with rocks. Its venom (cytotoxins and neurotoxins) is as strong as some of the deadliest snakes and causes damage severe enough to lead to cardio-respiratory arrest if the affected person is left untreated. It lives in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, although its presence has already been recorded in the Mediterranean.

golden dart frog (Phyllobates terribilis)

Golden arrow frog. Marcel Burckard

Native to the Pacific coast of Colombia, this animal is considered by some researchers to be the most poisonous animal on the planet. Their skin is saturated with a poisonous alkaloid (batrachotoxin), which can cause death in just a few minutes due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles or fibrillation of the heart muscles. Each sample carries enough poison to kill 20 people or two elephants. They acquire the toxin from some of the animals they feed on (possibly ants or cockroaches).

blue ringed octopus (hapalochlaena)

Blue-ringed octopus. Pixabay

There are four types. Although their length rarely reaches 20 centimeters, it is the only octopus whose venom (neurotoxin) can kill humans with a dose of one milligram. In fact, each sample carries enough poison to kill 26 people in just a few minutes. It causes motor and respiratory paralysis and has no antidote, so the only way to recover from the bite is to continue artificial respiration and chest massage until the body eliminates the poison, which is more than 24 hours.

cone snail (geography of conus)

Cone snail. Baldomero Olivera

They inject a very powerful toxin into their prey, thanks to their harpoon-shaped teeth that they can throw in all directions. Its venom “petrifies” the victim until it causes a state of hypoglycemic shock. Despite its small size (23 centimeters), a single drop of its venom is capable of killing 20 widows. There is no antidote and treatment is limited to keeping the victim alive until the toxin is eliminated from the body. It lives in the Red Sea, Indian oceans and part of the Pacific.

funnel spider (Atrax is intact)

Funnel spider. Australian National Park

It lives on the east coast of Australia and has caused the deaths of 13 people, including 7 children, in the last century. Its venom contains large amounts of toxin and, although extremely toxic in primates, is harmless in species such as dogs, cats or horses. It can kill a small child in as little as 15 minutes and an adult up to three days after the bite. First aid in case of a bite is to apply a compressive bandage and immobilize the affected limb. An antidote has existed since 1981.

banana spider (Phoneutria fera)

Banana spider. Bernard Dupont

Also known as the Brazilian wanderer, it is the most poisonous spider in the world according to the ‘Guinness Book’. Its distribution area extends to the northern part of South America. It is extremely aggressive and causes hundreds of accidents every year. Its venom (neurotoxins) causes loss of muscle control and difficulty breathing, causing paralysis and suffocation in lethal concentrations. Just six micrograms of poison can kill 20 mice. There are documented cases of human deaths due to its bite.

fat tailed scorpion (Androctonus australis)

Adult female fat-tailed scorpion. HTO

It is the most dangerous scorpion in the world and one of the animals that causes the deadliest accidents. It is extremely aggressive, is about 10 centimeters long, and is distributed in North Africa and South and West Asia. Although it is an antidote, sequelae such as chronic fatigue and loss of sensitivity in the extremities are often encountered after recovery. Its poison (neurotoxins) is potentially lethal, especially in people with existing health problems. It causes paralysis and respiratory failure.

sea ​​wasp (Chironex fleckeri)

Sea wasp. Aqua Foundation

This jellyfish, which can reach the size of a basketball, has 70 tentacles approximately 3 meters long, and each of them contains 5 billion stinging cells. Contact with the tentacles causes severe pain and cramps. Heart rate triples and tension doubles. If the poison enters the bloodstream, it can cause shock, cardiac arrest and death in just three minutes. The first measure should be to pour vinegar on the affected area and immediately notify Emergency Services.

Hook-nosed sea snake (Enhydrina schistosa)

Hook-nosed sea snake. Vikramonice

It is extremely poisonous, ten times more than the cobra. Only milligrams of venom per kilo is enough to kill its prey. It causes respiratory paralysis, among other symptoms. It does not usually attack unless provoked or feels threatened, and becomes more aggressive during heat. It causes more than half of bites caused by sea snakes and is responsible for the majority of deaths. The venom (neurotoxins and myotoxins) per bite is six times the lethal amount for an adult human.

Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

Platypus. Douglas Gimesy/National Geographic

It is one of the few venomous mammals. Males have a protrusion on their hind legs that secretes poison (protein). It is not fatal to humans, but it causes pain so severe that, according to many scientific studies, it cannot be relieved even by morphine. Pain (hyperalgesia) may last even for months. It is a species native to the east coast of Australia and the island of Tasmania. According to some research, its venom may help fight type 2 diabetes.

Bicolor Pitohui (Pitohui dicrosis)

Bicolor Pitohui. Markaharper

It is one of the very few poisonous bird species. Its poison (neurotoxin) is found in its feathers and fur. Researchers suspect its toxicity is due to a diet that includes a poisonous insect, and argue that the most colorful ones are the most poisonous. This species, native to New Guinea, is not lethal to humans, but even touching its feathers causes intense pain, numbness and burns.


Contact address of the environmental department:krisclimatica@prensaiberica.es

Source: Informacion


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