Wireless headphones accidentally swallowed in a dream are “less bad”, which can fall into the esophagus. Gastroenterologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Irina Berezhnaya told socialbites.ca about this and commented on the case when a schoolgirl from Ufa was hospitalized because of headphones. According to the doctor, magnets and batteries pose a much greater danger to children.
“Children swallow everything: jewelry, sharp objects, stones, magnets and batteries. Wireless headphones are the least evil thing to swallow. Because it’s covered in plastic and ineffective against body fluids, it comes out in the feces and that’s it. When it comes to serious items, the worst things are batteries and neodymium magnets. Piles instantly adhere to the wall of the esophagus and can destroy it so much that it falls into the mediastinum, into the lung. As for neodymium magnets, they fall straight down and children have a pathological habit of swallowing them one by one. And since they fall into the intestine and are at different levels, they can pull the entire intestine towards themselves, leading to fatal consequences. “This is the most dangerous, most difficult thing for surgeons,” explained the gastroenterologist.
Berezhnaya added that other objects, such as stones, coins and seeds, are easily removed from the child’s body if parents realize the fact of ingestion in time.
“It could be a mother’s earring: A little boy pulled it from his ear and swallowed it. It can be large seeds, pebbles, coins. And most often we calmly remove it endoscopically. If you do not have time to remove it from the upper parts, as a rule, an object such as a headset will come out quite easily along with the feces. Anything plastic comes off pretty easily. If it is metal or a battery, the situation is much more difficult and worse, and that is the problem,” the doctor concluded.
About a 15-year-old female student in Ufa who swallowed a wireless headset in her sleep, said Minister of Health of Bashkiria Airat Rakhmatullin. According to her, the girl woke up at night with a severe pain in her throat and discovered that one of the headphones with which she fell asleep was missing.
The teenager was taken to the surgical department, but no emergency surgery was performed: the headset came out naturally without harming the child.
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Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.