Anthony resins She continues to recover after more than a month of hospitalization due to Covid complications. While he’s not at 100% of his strength yet, as he explained in ‘El hormiguero’, he had made sequels a few days ago. He was able to attend an event in his company where his photo was taken. baby Christina.

This Wednesday, Semana magazine features one of these images on its cover, explaining the origin of the friendship between the two. “Infanta Cristina partying with Antonio Resines”reads the title.

The translator’s partner, Ana Pérez-Lorente, has known infanta since childhood. In fact, both were classmates as per the above-mentioned post. three they met at a friend’s birthday party and left the event togetherwhen the press caught the footage.

A few weeks ago, in an interview with the program ‘Hoy por hoy’, the hero of ‘Los Serrano’ He appreciated the attention the Royal Family has shown to his health in recent months.. In addition to the call from Felipe and Letizia, he also chatted with Queen Sofia.

“To be fair, I want to make it clear that, apart from whatsapp with my wife’s friends Infantas Elena and Cristina, The first thing I spoke to was Queen Sofia. We decided to have coffee for you to see the level, so we didn’t complete the date, but we agreed on this,” he said in front of Cadena Ser’s microphones.