A fan-made short film based on the anime series Cyberpunk Edgerunners has been released on the Friend Force YouTube channel. The story sees the main characters, aspiring cyberpunk David Martinez and veteran netrunner Lucy Kusinaga, attempt to reconcile with the bandits from Tiger Claws, but things don’t go according to plan.
The short film wasn’t of the highest quality, but many viewers found it heartwarming, reaching 18,000 views within a few days.
Above all, CD Projekt RED liked the video. The fan work was praised by several employees, including the game director of the next Cyberpunk, Pawel Sasko.
Earlier we talked about an impressive film about Wolverine in the form of a Viking, which the Witcher choreographer was working on.
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Source: VG Times
Calvin Turley is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a trendsetter who writes about the latest fashion and entertainment news. With a keen eye for style and a deep understanding of the entertainment industry, Calvin provides engaging and informative articles that keep his readers up-to-date on the latest fashion trends and entertainment happenings.