Johnny Depp Says He’ll Never Play Captain Jack Sparrow Again

More news about Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) straight from the court hearing the case against his ex-wife Amber Heard (Amber Heard). Speaking to Heard’s attorney Ben Rottenborn, the actor confirmed that he has retired from the role of Captain Jack Sparrow and will not star in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Ben Rottenborn: The point is, Mr. Depp, if Disney comes to you with $300 million and a million alpacas, nothing in the world will make you come back and work with Disney on a Pirates of the Caribbean movie? Okay?

Johnny Depp: It is true, Mr. Rottenborn.

Earlier in that same hearing, Depp stated that he had never seen the first part of the franchise. He was nominated for an Oscar for that role.

Bonus: Johnny Depp’s reaction when his sister mentioned his role in Pirates of the Caribbean: captain Jack Sparrow.