“We actors are hostages of appearance.” Interview with actress Yanina Studilina Actress Yanina Studilina said that she has the best acting education in Russia 05/16/2024, 18:28

— Your Lena from “Sisters” is not the main character, but she is very important to the development of the plot. How does it show itself in the new season?

— Lena and her sisters are one of the main characters of this season. In many ways, he is the one who solidifies the plot.

– From where?

— Actually, the third season reveals everyone; all the heroines take off their masks. In general, it is written like a road movie – at one point the sisters and Lena leave the car dealership and a wonderful and exciting journey awaits them. By the way, as an actor, this season really surprised me because it has a lot more humor than the previous two seasons. And Lena will also have love.

– With who?

— Just when we were talking about the sequel to “Sisters,” the screenwriter told us: “By the way, Lena will fall in love with this hero.” And I said: “This can’t be happening. “This is a far-fetched story, it doesn’t work.” He replied: “Read it, you will understand what it is.” That’s all I can say. It’s also written in a cute and funny way, and I really want the audience to like it too.

— Why do you think viewers love Lena so much? Reviews specifically highlight your work.

– Very pleased to meet you! In fact, Lena is very sincere… She may not understand something, she may not understand something, something is not going well in her life, but she tries hard to help others. She organizes various courses such as “How to make a boyfriend” and “How to find a job”. Most often this is done by a “shoemaker without boots” – and therefore it is funny that Lena has no personal life, no work, but she confidently teaches everyone how to find it and how to do it. While preparing for the season, I hired probably ten life coaches, I followed them, I watched them, we even brought some tricks…

— What do you think the third season of “Sisters” was about?

– Funny, kind, sincere… It’s about girls, it’s about real friendship, it’s about sincere feelings and love, it’s not about money, it’s not about some kind of self-interest, it’s about something real. The four of us were so excited about the third season that we started seeing and hearing each other at lightning speed. Some relationships were built that really helped the process. Of course, I really like our programmers. There are both male screenwriters and a female screenwriter in their team. And somehow he senses how we talk, how we think. The psychological moment is very important.

— Probably such a friendship always benefits the TV series and helps them to have a long run?

– Oh, it’s so different, I hear so many different stories… Especially about the women’s team. Everyone is competing, who wears what, who is painted how… We didn’t have that. We are all for friendship and love. You know, it seems to me that performances created with love, in an atmosphere of good friendship, live for a long time.

— You studied at the Schukin Theater Institute and then the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute in New York. Can you please tell us what the difference is in the approach to acting here and in the US?

— Surprisingly, at Lee Strasberg’s school they teach according to the same system of Stanislavsky and Chekhov. But in the Schukin School, of course, there is a more theatrical approach, they provide the necessary basis. It seems to me that our education is the best because we learn from the original source. But what I liked about America at Strasberg’s school was that it was still a film school, and there were classes I didn’t have at Pike. For example, how to pass an electorate. This is training: you appear in front of the camera twice a week, you come to the audition, they give you a short description of the hero, they give a text, and you have to prepare it.

It seems to me that this type of education is important because at the institute you master a profession, but cinema is a separate world that you learn on the set. And it’s great that you come to the director with some experience. Therefore, there were many useful things in Lee Strasberg’s school as well.

— Did being from Russia affect the attitude towards you? Was there any respect for the student who had already been educated from the original source?

– No, to be honest. Of course, they were interested in me studying at the Vakhtangov school, because the Schukin school is just that. one of the teachers asked. But basically there is such a flow of students from all over the world that they cannot separate them separately.

— You also studied at the Financial Academy – what profession did you get there?

– I am an economist. Specialization “International Economics”. I can boast of a diploma with honors. After graduation, I was invited to many places to do internships.

— Has your profession benefited you in life?

— It seems to me that the university does not teach a profession, it teaches how to learn, adapt quickly, and this is now a very valuable quality. The world is changing at such a rapid pace that those who can quickly adapt to new rules win. “I can’t go there on holiday anymore, but how nice, I can go to Baykal,” he says. Always look for something positive. Therefore, I do not regret at all that I graduated from the Financial Academy – by the way, I graduated with honors – I still have friends there. As you know, this is a school of life.

— You’ve been acting a lot in the theater lately.

— Yes, my debut at the Malaya Ordynka Theater took place last year in September 2022. The premiere of the play “Gentle Night is” was held. And literally this April we played “Tender is the Night” in a completely new version at the Malaya Ordynka Theater! I play with Ivan Stebunov, with Lena Zakharova – it turned out to be a very interesting performance, many colleagues have already come to me, they appreciated it, and this says a lot.

— Why is the new “Tender the Night” not the same as the previous one?

– Because this is a new performance. There is a different set design, new costumes, the artists have changed, and in the new production there is also a lot of dancing, I sing there (laughing). We worked on the dances separately and the audience pays attention to it.

— Is acting in a musical a challenging thing for you?

– When there is a lot of music and dancing, of course there is a certain difficulty. – I trained to be a dramatic actor. But I can’t say that I act in musicals, after all, Malaya Ordynka Theater is a drama theatre. Naturally, there are musical performances, this is the play “Mayakovsky”, this is “Amphibian Man”, this is now “Tender is the Night”. Only the modern viewer has to be surprised when he comes to the theater. We need a quality story, beautiful scenery, costumes and actors. Something new is needed to keep the modern audience accustomed to the dynamics of fiction. Therefore, there are both dances and songs in the making of Tender is the Night, but there is a clear story – this is Fitzgerald, after all. We captivate the audience so that they remember the performance. I really want the viewer to come at this difficult time, disconnect from all his problems and just have fun. By the way, we do not have performances that last more than two hours, which I think is very good for a modern audience.

— You participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars” – was this experience useful in the theater?

– Mad! Ivan and I dancing to “Tender is the Night.” And it’s not simple, it’s tango. Ivan, Denis Tagintsev, the winner of the “Dancing with the Stars” contest, and I did not win, but we participated in all the programs and our last dance was tango. As a result, it turned out that when the choreographer came to our rehearsal and began to explain the terms, Ivan and I already remembered everything! We both said: “Thank you for including Dancing with the Stars in our joint career.” If I were working from scratch it would take a lot of time, but Ivan and I had about two or three weeks of rehearsals. And our dance to “Tender is the Night” might qualify for victory on “Dancing with the Stars”!

— Sometimes actresses of your type – let’s call it “beautiful blonde” – complain that they are invited to certain roles, mostly frivolous, comedic roles. Have you encountered this?

— Of course, we actors are hostages of appearance. All actors face stereotypes. But I am grateful to the theater where I have played many different roles. I try to invite directors and producers to shows so they can see me differently. Many people say that when they saw me in the play Wolves and Sheep, they did not expect that this role and the image created would suit me so well. You need to study on your own. Honestly, I can’t complain about similar roles right now. Therefore, I am waiting for “my” director who will recommend Lilya Brik or Anna Karenina in the cinema. Also, a very interesting project about the Great Patriotic War is on the way and it will be challenging for me as an actor.

— Your daughter Anya is involved in figure skating. Will you support him if he wants to join a big sport?

— We have to support it for now. When it happens two or three times a week, it can be called a hobby. But when a kid goes to practice for two to three hours every day, it’s a different story. In any case, sports develop character. It seems to me that there are a lot of successful people who were once seriously interested in some kind of sport. And he likes it. I see many parents pushing their children to read. But he really wants it and he’s trying. Therefore, as a mother, I can only support him in this regard.

— What place does sports take in your life?

– Very important. I don’t always have time to go to the sports club, but in the morning I always do stretching and some exercises, because if you watch the shows with my participation and the dances performed for us, you will understand what it is. best cardio exercise – and to be honest, this is not possible for an unprepared person. Sometimes I can go ice skating or play tennis with Anya.

— Many stars at the peak of their careers start doing business, opening restaurants or beauty salons. Have you thought about this?

“And many of them are selling out quickly.” I think I’m exploring different options where I can be effective and somehow better than others. Of course I want to have my own business. But for now, all my energy goes into creativity and my daughter.

— In one of your interviews, you said that you feel like a Siberian: Even though you left Omsk, where you were born, at an early age, you have a Siberian character. What is the Siberian character?

– This is literally character. Stop. If he fell, he would get up and continue on his way. It didn’t work; I thought about what I needed to do to make it work. And you don’t blame the people around you – you look for the reason in yourself. And you move on. Somehow it turned out so surprisingly that people from Siberia are attracted to me. Even now I act in films with Pasha Priluchny, and in the theater I play with Ivan Stebunov, they both studied in the theater in Novosibirsk! It turned out that Mashkov also studied there. So all of us Siberians are somewhere nearby.

What are you thinking?

Actress Yanina Studilina admitted that she does not even have time to go to the gym. She is busy with theatre, shooting films and working on television. For the release of the third season of the series “Sisters” in the START online cinema with the participation of Yanina, socialbites.ca talked with the actress about her projects and her daughter, who is studying in the USA.

Source: Gazeta


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