In July 2024, Russians took out more than 152 thousand vehicle loans, which means a 44.1% increase compared to the previous year. writes National Credit History Bureau (NBKI)
Compared with June, the increase was slightly more than 1%. The leaders in the number of car loans were Moscow (8.45 thousand), Moscow (8.1 thousand) and Rostov (7.19 thousand) regions.
At the same time, in some subjects there is a sharp increase in issuances compared to June – in Crimea it reached 8.7%, in Nizhny Novgorod region – 7%, in Belgorod region – 6.6%.
At the same time, the credit volume decreased by 4.6% in the Samara region and by almost 4% in Bashkortostan.
While the increase in Moscow was 2.2%, in St. Petersburg vehicle loan issuance decreased by 0.3%.
In total, according to the results of the first half of the year, Russian banks Issuance 799.8 thousand vehicle loans. It turned out that this figure is almost twice the value in the same period of 2023.
Previously in the Russian Federation maximum became more expensive cash loans.
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Source: Gazeta
Ben Stock is a business analyst and writer for “Social Bites”. He offers insightful articles on the latest business news and developments, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the business world.