Transportation workers a St. Beats St. Petersburg resident and throws him off bus 03:47

In St. Petersburg, the conductor and controller attacked a 28-year-old passenger. about this reports Telegram channel “78.News”.

“Even though he paid the fare, the conductor demanded to pay the travel fee again, which made the man very angry. The report stated that the passenger, ignoring the words of the eyewitnesses who came to his defense, started shouting and called the driver and controllers for help.

During the conflict, St. The St. Petersburg resident was also reportedly attacked by a drunk bus passenger. The woman also joined the attacks and started shouting about her pregnancy.

It was announced that transportation workers grabbed the person by his clothes, threatened and insulted him, and then picked him up and threw him out of the bus. As a result of the conflict, St. The St. Petersburg resident had bruises on his shoulder and knee, and his jacket was torn.

Following the incident, the passenger contacted the transportation committee and the prosecutor’s office. St. Petersburgers also record the beatings on video and demand that the perpetrators be punished.

Previously on Sakhalin detained The driver who cut off the car mirror and escaped with an axe.

What are you thinking?

Source: Gazeta


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