A Swiss court has decided to deprive Pavel Durov, the founder of the popular Telegram messenger, of parental rights to three children, the children’s mother Irina Bolgar reported on her Instagram page (the owner of the Meta company is known as an extremist in Russia and is banned).
According to Bolgar, the Court for the Protection of Children and Adults opened an investigation led by the Geneva guardianship authorities and subsequently ruled that Durov be deprived of his parental rights. Guardianship authorities repeatedly tried to contact Durov using all the contacts Bolgar provided, but he did not respond.
Bolgar explained that she filed a lawsuit against Durov, demanding that he move to the UAE because of the ultimatum he gave her at the end of 2022. She stated that their personal relationship had effectively ended and that the entrepreneur had not invited her to move in with him.
After that, Durov blocked access to all the cards she used based on notarized permanent permissions and stopped paying the bills she usually paid directly from bank accounts, Bolgar said.
When Bolgar said that he would defend the rights of himself and his children within the framework of the law, Durov refused to sign the consent for the renewal of European immigration documents and the issuance of new ones.
Bolgar believes that this ultimatum was given to prevent her from going to European courts to protect her and her children’s rights. She also claims that Durov blocked the possibility of personal contact and that her family followed his example.
The blonde who had previously accompanied Durov suspicious He works for Israel.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.