A large-scale failure in the work of Telegram could have occurred due to “adjustments” made in the company itself, or due to the actions of Roskomnadzor, which, together with the security forces, tests critical infrastructure. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications Andrey Svintsov told socialbites.ca. Roskomnadzor explained the large-scale failure in RuNet as a DDOS attack.
“There may be different reasons. The first is that the company has made some kind of additional adjustments for the Russian segment, since the legislation inside and outside Russia is very different. In Russia, there is legislation that requires the removal of any content published on the territory of the country, and accordingly, such additional settings are possible. For example, it will block something automatically. Probably, manually. But still, not the entire messenger, but only posts or channels that violate the current federal legislation. The second option is that Roskomnadzor, together with law enforcement agencies, also tests some specific elements of the critical infrastructure, which allows you to specifically block something or slow down traffic,” Svintsov said.
According to him, such tests conducted by law enforcement and the inspection system are “normal practice.”
“Without such tests, it is impossible to understand how efficiently some units work. So, this applies to everyone: telecom operators and television. Any system – gas, pipelines. All systems from time to time require some kind of reboot, update or simply testing of critical vulnerabilities,” concluded Svintsov.
On the afternoon of August 21, Telegram experienced a massive outage. For many Russians, both mobile and desktop versions of the messaging app stopped working. Users’ channels and messages were not loading.
This glitch was mostly encountered by users in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. In most cases, the messaging app started working when connected to a VPN and opened without any problems for foreign users as well.
Russians also experienced problems with the functioning of WhatsApp, Wikipedia, Steam, Twitch and Discord services.
Roskomnadzor stated that the failure of Internet services in Russia was caused by a DDoS attack on telecom operators.
Previously RKN reportedHe doesn’t see the need to limit Telegram’s work in Russia.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.