Apple’s hopes for a successful launch of its Vision Pro headset in China have been dashed. Half of the owners of the mixed reality headset are returning the device to stores, the portal reported WCCFTech.
The main reason for the failure was the percentage of return, which reached 50%. The high price of the device scares off buyers, and those who decide to purchase it are often disappointed. Experts note the low practicality of the device and its limited usefulness in everyday life. Many users return helmets after a few days of use, believing that the gadget is not worth the money.
Sales of the Apple Vision Pro headset began in China on June 28. Anyone can sign up to test the device at the Apple Store before purchasing. The test session lasts no more than 30 minutes and you can only make an appointment twice.
Some analysts have previously noted that the Vision Pro is primarily aimed at app developers at this stage, and that mass adoption of such devices will only occur with the release of the second or third generation of the device.
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Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.