Telegram is used by approximately 1 billion people per month 02:34

The Telegram social network is currently actively used by 950 million people per month. Telegram channel wrote the founder of the site Pavel Durov.

According to him, 900 million people actively used messenger in the spring months.

“We are heading towards a billion!” — Durov wrote.

Telegram messenger’s monthly audience in Russia in March grew up Up to 85 million people. The audience of 85 million is 10% more than in the same period in 2022. Also, MTS statistics showed that 70% of users log in to Telegram more than 25 times a month, and 8% – from 15 to 25 times a month. Russians use Telegram most often between 12:00 and 14:00.

Although Telegram’s audience grew in 2023, the messenger still remains the second Internet service in terms of active audience in Russia. WhatsApp continues to lead, with the number of monthly users decreasing by 8% YoY in the fourth quarter. MTS did not provide absolute figures.

Previously on Telegram seen Paid dating service for men.

What are you thinking?

Source: Gazeta


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