After a large-scale failure in the work of Telegram and other popular services in the Russian Federation, Russians began to open blocked social networks X (Twitter), Instagram (the owner of the company Meta is known in Russia as an extremist and was banned). and Facebook (the owner of the company Meta is known as an extremist and is banned in Russia). correspondent was convinced of this.
Judging by the messages from users, not all Russians have both X (Twitter) and Instagram open – some report the resumption of work of one or another service. In particular, the correspondent also had two platforms that worked from both mobile Internet and landline.
In addition to the mentioned social networks, sites with previously blocked media and web services such as Meduza (the Medusa Project SIA legal entity is recognized in Russia as a foreign agent and an undesirable organization), Radio Liberty (the organization incorporated by the Ministry of Justice’s foreign on the list of agents and is considered spam) began to open in the browser and on Metacritic.
Roskomnadzor and the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation have not yet specified the reason for the “unblocking” of the listed resources. However, Oleg Kapranov, author of the Telegram channel “Toxic Figure” and journalist of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” suggestedIt was stated that access to banned services and sites was resumed due to the failure of technical means to counter threats (TSPU), the work of which is supervised by Roskomnadzor.
“It looks like they actually broke the TSPU and allowed direct bypass of traffic,” Kapranov wrote.
Previously Roskomnadzor annoyed Steam work in Russia.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.