A player with the nickname Ven_James discovered a bug in the popular online game Dota 2 that caused the 3D model of the evil Queen of Pain to lose her clothes. About this player said He also posted a picture of a naked character on the Reddit forum.
Other players in the comments on Reddit confirmed that to reproduce the bug, you first need to select an Arcana item in Arsenal and then put a standard cloak on your shoulders. After this process, the upper part of the equipment completely disappears in the Queen of Pain model. The error is caused by an issue with the display of outdated items in The International 2021 set.
Dota 2 fans reacted to this finding with irony.
“The only mistake I needed,” one pseudonymous user wrote
Caliph Abdulla.
“How much should Valve (Dota 2 developers) pay to keep this bug going?” – Added SilverSpearhead.
Ven_James’ post received a total of more than 300 likes and 50 comments in one day.
Dota 2 is a MOBA game. First of all, the project is known for its International world championships, where the largest prize pools in the field of e-sports are awarded in the amount of tens of millions of dollars.
Russian IT experts before said “socialbites.ca” about funny and terrible bugs in their applications.
Source: Gazeta

Jackson Ruhl is a tech and sci-fi expert, who writes for “Social Bites”. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of technology and science fiction.