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“The death rate is scary.” WHO urged people to wear masks again

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization (WHO), has urged governments around the world to return to the mandatory mask-wearing regime amid the growing number of deaths from COVID-19....

“Scary political situation”: Kaprizov not allowed to enter the USA

Authoritative NHL insider Michael Russo published an article on The Athletic portal under the headline "The stormy off-season starts sinister: The latest news on Kaprizov." (function(){ var advPlace = document.querySelector('._s_banner_adcenter:not()'); var gap = document.createElement('div'); gap.className="rg"; g_gazeta.addResizeListener(advPlace,function(el){ if(el.offsetHeight>10){ el.after(gap); }else{ gap.remove(); } }); })(); AdfProxy.ssp('._s_banner_adcenter',...

“It’s scary to remember.” How the Great Patriotic War began

The last days before the attack By mid-June 1941, Wehrmacht troops were stationed on the border of the Soviet Union, on the other side the Red Army forces were concentrated. Against...

