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Myth about the dangers of sugar substitutes debunked 11:29

Scientists from the University of Leeds found that consuming sugar substitutes not only leads to loss of appetite control, but also helps reduce blood sugar levels. Research results published At...

Nutritionist dispels the myth about the uselessness of yoghurts without live bacteria Nutritionist Surzhik: Yogurts without bacteria are no less healthy than live ones...

Both "live" and sterilized yoghurts are good for health and gut bacteria. Alexandra Surzhik, nutritionist and functional nutritionist at the Federal Research Center of Food Systems of the Russian Academy...

The myth about melamine sponges has been debunked. Allergist Paretskaya: melamine sponges do not cause formaldehyde poisoning 00:11

Formaldehyde used in the production of melamine sponge cannot enter the human body. Pathophysiologist and allergist Elena Paretskaya spoke about this, according to reports "Doctor Peter". var sspMethod = 'ssp'; (function(){ var advPlace...

The myth about fasting before donating blood for analysis has been dispelled. Allergist Idarmacheva: Many blood tests can be done after eating 22:18

It is not necessary to fast before doing most tests. About this portal RuNews24.ru His name was given by an allergist-immunologist who is an employee of the National Center for...

Mineral water myth eliminated AiF: Mineral water does not cause bloating 20:26

Carbonated water increases the feeling of fullness and does not cause bloating. Doctors describe this issue as "Live Healthy!" They explained it in the broadcast of the program. aif.ru. var...

Myth about the health benefits of fasting debunked 12:38

British nutritionists Rob Hobson and Dwayne Mellor said Fasting days (consuming small amounts of calories, intermittent fasting, mono diets) can cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar and nutrient deficiencies in...

