Russian tennis player Svetlana Kuznetsova commented Telegram channel The defeat of Diana Schneider and Mirra Andreeva in the final of the Olympic doubles tennis tournament said the athletes lacked experience.
“It’s very, very sad for the girls because the victory was very close and they lacked experience and courage. We thought about it in the second set and allowed our rivals to come back,” Kuznetsova wrote.
In the final match, the Russians lost to the Italian duet Yasmin Paolini/Sara Errani. The meeting ended with the score 6:2, 1:6, 7:10.
Andreeva and Schneider won the first medals for Russia at the Paris Olympics.
Following the start of Russia’s SVO in Ukraine, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended Russian and Belarusian athletes and recommended that Federations not allow athletes from these countries to participate in international competitions. In December 2023, the IOC allowed athletes from Russia to participate in the 2024 Olympics, but only with neutral status and subject to a number of necessary conditions.
Tatyana Tarasova before I congratulated you Andreeva and Schneider with Olympic silver.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Gregory Robert is a sports aficionado and a writer for “Social Bites”. He provides in-depth coverage of the latest sporting events and trends, offering a unique and knowledgeable perspective on the world of sports.