““It can be assumed that this blind hatred is now directed against Donald Tusk,” said Daniel Milewski, MP for Law and Justice, in an interview with wPolityce.pl.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s decision to co-sign President Andrzej Duda’s decision to appoint a judge appointed after 2017 as chairman of the assembly of judges of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court is commented on by Daniel Milewski in an interview with the wPolityce.pl portal.
It seems that even Donald Tusk is aware that what the politicians of the December 13 coalition like to call the takeover of the courts by PiS is a normal functioning of the rule of law and the implementation of the constitutional prerogatives of the President of the Republic of Poland. Politicians of the PO, together with a part of the judicial community, which for some reason considers itself an “extraordinary caste”, constantly question the judicial system in Poland, and Donald Tusk openly welcomes this.
– says Milewski and adds:
But when push came to shove and he had to sign it, even he hesitated, probably out of fear of responsibility. This is typical of the actions of the current government, which amount to breaking the law and trampling on the Constitution under the slogan of fighting PiS. Tusk’s government is blinded by hatred, and only the specter of future consequences can stop this hatred.
Discontent of the “caste”
However, Donald Tusk’s decision outraged some of the so-called “caste” judges.
First of all, there is nothing objectively shocking about this decision. However, some judges are eager to take revenge for the reform of the judicial system, which has at least partially deprived them of their privileges. It can be assumed that this blind hatred is now directed at Donald Tusk
– explains the PiS MP.
““We will increasingly see situations where Donald Tusk does not keep his promises.”
The judicial ‘caste’ is not the only group that, despite supporting the December 13 Coalition, may be dissatisfied with this government.
More and more actions and statements of Donald Tusk indicate that the center of his loyalty lies outside Poland. Therefore, we will increasingly see situations in which Donald Tusk does not fulfill his promises or does not care about the will of his voters. His task is to weaken Poland’s position in Europe, and the slogans that brought him to power are of secondary importance.
– explains Daniel Milewski.
– Tusk betrayed the caste? They are angry at the prime minister for co-signing the Supreme Court judge. Wrzosek complains: “It shouldn’t have looked like this”
– ONLY WITH US. As: This decision should put an end to the dispute. Donald Tusk also signs that it is not possible to distinguish between judges
as above
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.