The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), accepting for consideration the case of complaints against Poland over the use of Pegasus software by intelligence services in 2015-2023, indicates that we are talking about undermining the integrity of the elections – said Jacek Karnowski, deputy head of MFiPR, one of the complainants, presenting his theory of the conspiracy.
On Radio One, the Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy was asked about complaints against Poland over the use of Pegasus software, which is being investigated by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
Karnowski judged that the Pegasus case was “an attack on democracy that has probably never occurred in modern Europe.”
It is already clear from what the Tribunal has decided in accepting this case at this point – the Tribunal indicates – that we are talking about undermining the integrity of the elections.
– he judged.
Karnowski’s absurd accusations
According to Karnowski, the Pegasus case is not just about violating the constitution, influencing election results and attacking democracy.
I must say that there are indications that it could also have been used to obtain material benefits by officials or people connected to them at the CBA.
– he said. As he said, these people – including mayors – were dealing with various real estate matters.
For example, Russian capital tried to invest here from suspicious sources. For example, leaks from Pegasus show that people who worked with this Russian capital had access to information from Pegasus
– added.
He stressed that in order to defend democracy and the interests of Poland, everyone should want to clarify this issue as soon as possible.
According to written information published in the ECtHR’s document database, questions have been formulated for the parties in the case of Krzysztof Brejza v. Poland and eight others. The complaints “concern alleged covert surveillance” using “Pegasus spyware” by the intelligence services of the government in power in 2015-2023,” the report said. The ECtHR’s press service said the case was referred to the Polish authorities on July 7.
The complaints were filed with the ECHR in the summer of 2023 and were filed by: Jacek Karnowski, Dorota Brejza, Krzysztof Brejza, Ryszard Brejza, Hanna Zdanowska, Zygmunt Frankiewicz, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Barbara Nowacka and Rafał Trzaskowski.
It is an incredible scandal that a group of Polish politicians for a very stupid reason filed complaints against their own country with an international judicial body, the European Court of Human Rights. Let us not forget that the services used operational control through the Pegasus system with the permission of the court. Moreover, as Adam Bodnar himself admitted in his information to the Sejm and the Senate, the Pegasus system was applied to only 578 people in the years 2017-2022.
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Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.