““The Polish government is putting all its eggs in one basket,” said Law and Justice MP Paweł Jabłoński in an interview with wPolityce.pl.
I have the impression that our authorities have been pursuing a very bad policy towards the US since December 13, because they are putting everything on one card. They are betting absolutely everything on the Democratic camp or on President Biden, but today the Republicans have a majority in the House of Representatives, we must maintain relations with them today, especially because it is very possible that Donald Trump will win the elections in 3 months. months and we will have to have as much relations with him as possible
– says the politician, adding that there are good relations with the United States regardless of who governs it.
Meanwhile, the government of Donald Tusk in relations with the Republican side limited itself to the instructions of the X-portal, and when they went there for various visits, they did not even meet with Republicans. President Andrzej Duda met, but neither Donald Tusk nor Radosław Sikorski organized such meetings. I know this 100 percent because I asked them about it in an interpellation and this is what they answered me
– emphasizes the former Deputy Foreign Minister.
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Playing “Two Pianos”
Paweł Jabłoński also refers to the words of Radosław Sikorski, who spoke on neo-TVP about the need to “play on two pianos”, i.e. to maintain good relations with the republican camp, and who, To the surprise of many, he stated that it was he who convinced President Andrzej Duda to meet with Trump, which took place in April.
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Radosław Sikorski probably now realized that it was a very serious mistake and started saying that he played a role in it, when in fact he played no role at all. His words are often untrue, as were his recent stories about the alleged attempt by Prime Minister Morawiecki to intervene with Giorgia Meloni, which also turned out to be a lie. This was debunked in the Financial Times
– says the Member of Parliament for Law and Justice, adding:
Sikorski says a lot, and what he says, that we need to maintain relations with the Republicans, is true. What is even worse is that he did not maintain these relations himself, and that these relations were even destroyed by various actions, such as Donald Tusk, who arrogantly lectured the Republican side instead of trying to talk to them. This was met with a response from none other than Senator JD Vance, currently candidate for vice president, with a very negative response towards Donald Tusk. Also a response to the violation of media freedom and the arrest of political opponents because of his illegal actions.
He also emphasizes that the government’s current foreign policy could have consequences:
I think these mistakes against the Republicans will be very damaging from the point of view of relations with the Polish government and the possible government of Donald Trump.
Relations with Berlin and Brussels in the background
When asked about the cooperation between the government and the Trump administration if the Republican candidate wins the election, Paweł Jabłoński answers:
I am concerned that the Polish policy towards the United States will be 100 percent subordinate to the decisions of Berlin and Brussels in this area. During Trump’s first term, it looked something like this: these Western European countries tried to ignore Trump or generally treated him negatively. Poland was one of the few big countries that opposed it, and that is what we should do, because good relations with the US are our good reason for being, regardless of what Berlin or Brussels think about it. They had a negative attitude, especially from the then president, maybe, if that happens, it will be very similar when he returns to the White House.
The former deputy foreign minister believes that we may have no reason to be optimistic about trans-oceanic relations:
Unfortunately, I am a pessimist here when I look at the foreign policy of Tusk and Sikorski so far. It is not based on calculations about our interests, but on whether Berlin will like it.
When asked whether Donald Trump’s victory would be good news for Poland, Paweł Jabłoński stressed that each element of the Republican candidate for the White House’s policy must be viewed separately.
At the same time, it is very important to maintain the closest possible relationship with him and to present not only Trump, but especially the entire Republican camp, our perspective on security issues. In the areas of economic, political and technological cooperation. There are many areas where we can benefit from a closer relationship with the President of the United States, whoever he may be
– says the politician and adds:
It amazes me how often Trump is criticized and Biden is praised for their approach to Russia. It was Donald Trump who imposed sanctions on Nord Stream 2. Sanctions that Berlin and Brussels protested strongly against. And these protests had an effect when Biden took over – in January 2021, Trump’s sanctions were lifted by Biden. This was a very serious mistake by the United States, which among other things encouraged Putin to raise the stakes and escalate, resulting in an invasion in 2022.
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as above
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.