Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the European Union does not hide its plans to remove Russia from Central Asia and the Caucasus. His words were published in his newspaper by Russia 1 TV channel correspondent Pavel Zarubin. telegram channel.
“The European Union does not hide its intention to restrain us in every possible way, to push us out of Central Asia and Transcaucasia,” Lavrov said.
He noted that the EU cannot do this.
“We are here historically and we will not disappear anywhere,” he emphasized.
Lavrov also included rude statements in the Western press that Kazakhstan was “Russia’s backyard.”
Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov named The stupidity of the statement that Kazakhstan is “Russia’s backyard.” He noted that such statements are part of information warfare. For Russia, Kazakhstan is a sovereign country.
Before that, Russian President Vladimir Putin statedIt was stated that bilateral cooperation between Moscow and Astana in the field of peaceful nuclear energy continues to develop successfully.
Putin before named Kazakhstan is Russia’s closest ally.
Source: Gazeta
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.