Krzysztof Skiba, singer of the band Big Cyc, has never shied away from current politics in his musical work. Recently, however, a musician whose lyrics addressed, among other things: “Put rubber bands around your instrument!” he grew up to be a representative of the intellectual and artistic ‘elites’, for some of Poland, for others of This Country. All because of the attacks on PiS. This time, however, during one of the concerts he made an extremely tasteless joke about… death and Jarosław Kaczyński. However, apparently the ‘joke’ was liked by the public, who are so sensitive to hate speech.”
Krzysztof Skiba fights against the ‘regime’
Krzysztof Skiba already sang, among other things: about “Solidarity”, Lech Wałęsa, etc., or at least he did not run away from the current political situation. In recent years he has wanted to dedicate his work, not only artistic work, but also all kinds of public statements, to Law and Justice. For example, a week ago he boasted that he was going to see Agnieszka Holland’s film “The Green Border”:
I already have tickets for Agnieszka Holland’s Green Border. The regime won’t tell me what to look at.
This is an interesting example of a “regime” in which a famous artist can, as he has been doing for years, give concerts, appear in the media, record albums attacking the government, and, moreover, participate in various government initiatives . current opposition (e.g. singing at demonstrations and protests), without any consequences except that someone writes to him on social media that he is not satisfied with the artist’s involvement in politics. “Regime”, in which a film attacking the Polish state and falsely portraying the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border is shown in cinemas, and moreover – boasts on social media that you can watch such a film is going to see and in the same post the government is called a “regime”, not knowing, or pretending not to know, that one is participating in an enterprise that is part of the propaganda of two real regimes: in Minsk and Moscow, because they created a situation on the Polish Polish border, both for us and for the migrants who are brought there. -Belarusian and they want to portray the Polish state, and especially the uniformed services, in a bad light.
Although Krzysztof Skiba is fond of ‘jokes’, satire and irony (which in his performance may be funny for some, but not for others), in this particular case something else is funnier than the musician’s ‘jokes’: that the man who sang, among other things, about ‘putting rubber bands on an instrument’, he stereotypically mocked the mutilation of the Polish language by foreigners (especially those from African countries), for which he would today be cursed as the leading racist of the Republic of Poland (we add this on the occasion of the recent brawl on television over the word “Negro”. I wonder if left MP Przemysław Koperski, if he had the Big Cyc CD or cassette with the song ” Makumba ska!”, which has already burned on the stakes or not yet) and recorded a song that is the main theme of a comedy series in which the level of humor will not be of the highest quality for everyone, i.e. “The world according to Kiepskich”, today he tries to portray himself as a great defender of culture and art, and what’s more: a representative of artistic and intellectual elites.
“I dream of announcing…
However, if the level of these elites is the same as in the picture below, it would probably be better to be a ‘moustachioed john’ or some other ‘dark pisior’.
I announced Krzysztof Krawczyk, Krzysztof Krawczyk is dead. I announced Jerzy Połomski – he is dead. Zbigniew Wodecki – deceased. I dream of announcing Jarosław Kaczyński
– said Krzysztof Skiba, probably during the concert “KLUB 27 SYMFONICZNIE, OF ROCK LEGENDS IN WARSAW”, which took place yesterday in Torwar.
Although this particular shot comes from one of the netizens (social media comments can be harsh, as can many of Skiba’s statements, if anyone would like to be outraged that the artist was insulted):
However, Krzysztof Skiba himself boasted about his extremely ‘brilliant’ joke on Facebook. With a very interesting description:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! A touch of joy in the morning…
You can see that the audience was very happy. I wonder if the audience would have been as amused if, for example, Skiba had said that he would also have announced Paweł Adamowicz or that he would have liked to announce Lech Wałęsa. And if we want to stay at the level of Krzysztof Skiba, we also joke: so far it seems that Krzysztof Krawczyk, Zbigniew Wodecki or Jerzy Połomski died of serious diseases, and the last artist also of old age. What if they simply died of – as the young say – ‘cringe’ (i.e. shame) caused by the fact that their performances were announced by a man with such primitive ‘humour’?
Source: wPolityce
Emma Matthew is a political analyst for “Social Bites”. With a keen understanding of the inner workings of government and a passion for politics, she provides insightful and informative coverage of the latest political developments.