this Shopping cart most expensive this year OCU they have records (1988). The expected increase in July was 15.2% between May of last year and the same month of 2022. The organization warns that tensions will continue in the short and medium term. Not in vain, the increase continued in the last four months (0.9%). The organization calls on the government to take action. lowering taxes foodsas in Energyand supermarkets bulk purchase of “healthy and essential products” offering essential products at affordable prices, after first vice president Yolanda Díaz’s unsuccessful attempts to create an inexpensive shopping cart.
Bulk purchasing is a common mechanism in industries such as energy or telecommunications that involves closing a deal with a distributor, in this case a supermarket, to provide some supply. products at a lower price than usual considering large volumes of contracted purchases. An example is the annual bulk electricity and gas purchase by the OCU. This year the deal was with Repsol and 20,000 consumers signed up with an estimated savings of around 241 Euros on their annual bills.
The OCU offer will be open to “all distributions” wishing to participate, including “small, medium and large supermarkets”. And CNMC wouldn’t have much to say because it would be a bilateral agreement between the distributor and the consumer organization. “It’s kind of like what the Minister said, but we don’t know which basket he’s recommending, and we’re very clear on what we’re recommending,” OCU spokesperson Ileana Izverniceanu said during the presentation of the annual supermarket study.
The organization prefers not to disclose certain products for now, which may also change over time, but they do point out. list of food groups they want to include: vegetables, fruits, potatoes/tubers, bread, pasta/rice, legumes, nuts, fish, eggs, milk, fresh cheese, cured cheese, fermented milk, meat, olive oil and water, as described to El Periódico de Catalonia.
This list is somewhat similar to the list the government wants to promote, which emphasizes the importance of including fresh produce, and is far from the 30 euros 30 items announced by Carrefour. “There is a recommended supermarket brand. a basket in which we found some jokes with products like white chocolate or salt every month. We are talking about products that are actually in the shopping cart of family budgets,” adds Izverniceanu.
choose the supermarket
But in addition to the Government and supermarkets, the OCU also employs consumers, ensuring that choosing the supermarket well can result in a 17.5% savings in the average household’s food budget (spending around 5,568 euros). The most affordable chains are Tifer in Castilla y León and Dani, a local chain that operates mainly in Granada, while at the national level Family Cash, Alcampo and Supeco stand out. The most expensive chains include Sánchez Romero, Ulabox, Novavenda and Amazon. Alcampo is the cheapest option in 27 locations; it is followed by Mercadona and Sudeco (7 cities), which are the most affordable option in 10 locations compared to 17 locations last year. Although Mercadona, along with Dia, was the supermarket that increased prices the most due to the increase in the prices of its own brands.
Source: Informacion
Christina Moncayo is a contributing writer for “Social Bites”. Her focus is on the gaming industry and she provides in-depth coverage of the latest news and trends in the world of gaming.