Fruits and vegetables are getting more expensive due to heat waves and energy crisis

this rising temperatures and strong heat wave that hit the country a few days ago, bringing the mercury in thermometers to 50ºC in some areas. results farming. In these days of intense heat, irrigated plantations are not directly damaged, although crops are not directly damaged. amount of water resources old More than usual to keep them in acceptable conditions.

Thus, the pumps that draw water from underground wells worked more than normal, increased total production costsbecause the price of electricity these systems use to operate continues to rise rapidly due to the energy crisis.

This was assured to La Opinion by Antonio Moreno Soriano, Minister of Agriculture and Water of the Union of Small Farmers and Farmers in the Murcia Region (UPA), noting that this increase in costs was “although it happened”. Since the depth of the wells is different and therefore the amount of energy required to extract the water is around 35% on average, it varies according to the irrigated community”.

As Moreno points out, all irrigated products region they will be affected, to a greater or lesser extent, due to this increase in costs. fruit trees such as melons or watermelons, citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and grapefruit, vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, broccoli, celery or parsley; and stone fruits such as pears, apples, peaches, Paraguayan, nectarines or apricots.

However, farmers have expectations that the situation will improve The secretary underlined that this increase in average cost “has moderated recently due to the implementation of the gas price cap, a mechanism that helps lower the electricity bill, although still higher than last year.” UPA Department of Agriculture and Water.

Union of Associations against reducing the use of phytosanitary products

Farmers and Farmers’ Unions opposed the changes that the European Commission (EC) wanted to bring to the legal framework on the sustainable use of plant protection products, “preferring a regulation over the current directive and proposing disproportionate targets in this regard”. terms and methods of reducing the use of these products”. Thus, the organization emphasized the “speed” of such a process, which it called “incompatible.” It does not address the productive reality of the state and community agriculture sector, and is also not accompanied by rigorous impact research that does not offer definitive and viable alternatives to farms and does not refer to prohibited substances introduced through food imports from third countries.”

This increase in costs therefore meant an increase in the prices of products. “Last year, the production cost of growing a kilo of fruit could be 71, this year that cost increased to 80 cents this yearso to avoid losses, they have to sell their produce for about eight or nine cents above this price,” Moreno explained. days ago manufacturers they sold watermelon already packed and made in boxesat a cost of between 40 and 45 cents per kiloIn some stores, it was sold to the consumer at a price of 2 euros per kilo.

They intensify the promotion of the sector in international markets

The promotion of exporting companies in the agri-food sector, developed by the Development Institute (INFO) together with the Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca Chambers of Commerce, is one of the main actions of the Foreign Incentive Plan. With the ‘Agrofood Exporta’ Plan, 13 of a total of 31 actions were included in this initiative. In this way, after seriously damaging the presence of regional exporters in international competition, the intensity of activities and the diversity of the markets they are in have returned to similar pre-pandemic levels. Valle Miguelez, Spokesperson for Business, Employment, Universities and Internationalization, announced that approximately 7 million euros has been allocated for activities related to internationalization.

Workers in the agricultural sector are asking the Community for help and support measures to try to lower prices. reduce these costsAs provided by the UPA Secretary of Agriculture and Water.

They will not reduce the harvest

Despite increase production costs and cuts amount of water The purpose of farmers from Tajo-Segura Transfer, keep crop size As they are now, according to Moreno.

“What is cultivated today is a certain way of working, some markets and some export dynamics that do not allow us to lose cropsbecause that means losing regular customers,” he explained.

bed bug infestation

Agricultural organizations have shown concern about the appearance of an appearance. uncontrolled invasion of bedbugs It affects more than 30,000 hectares of almond trees in the Altiplano region.

To try to find a solution to the problem for future harvests, farm workers are working with the Department of Agriculture to apply a more effective treatment to these insects. In this sense, the farmers requested that tests be done through Imida for evaluation. What are the most effective products?Besides what’s known as the ‘tiger plague’, it’s possible to know exactly what favorable moments are, along with studies specifically to find out when it started and its movement patterns. Apply possible treatments.

Rain reduces production.

On the other hand, the rains of March and April they reduced many crops in the region of Murcia. Moreno said these situations led to difficulties in the placement of citrus and in the development of stone fruits, whose production “decreased by about 30% in the region compared to the previous year”.

Also, the continued presence of rainfall has triggered poor pollination, so honey production has also suffered. The almond harvest was one of those affected due to the increased humidity. presence of fungi and affected a large number of trees. Melon and watermelon fields were also badly affected because many of them rotted.

Source: Informacion


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