this peanut It is one of the best-known appetizers to all, but many are unaware of. how do they collect and that you can do it yourself. Today we will talk to you about herb peanut (arachis hypogaea) and how you can plant it at home to grow your own peanuts, which are actually a legume and not a nut as many think. In this way, you will get the double benefit, as you will get a pleasure. beautiful plant with showy yellow flowers, and when the time comes, you too own home grown peanuts.


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How is the peanut plant?

The peanuts we consume are reallye peanut plant seed and not the fruit as we usually think, so the peanut is underground while the plant thrives on the surface.

It is a very ancient plant and the Incas have already cultivated it and even used it as currency.

The height of the peanut plant usually does not exceed 60 or 70 centimeters.

How to grow peanut plant at home?

We only need a few to grow the peanut plant at home. natural peanut (the toast we normally consume doesn’t work) and a bit of a substrate. You should place it flat in a dry and sunny place. It should also be protected from the cold and placed in a sheltered place.

You just need to buy a natural peanut and use it as a large pots with good drainage and a substrate rich in organic matter. Dig a hole and put the peanut seed in it. then put soil and water on top of it. After two weeks the seeds will begin to germinate.

Grow your own peanut plant at home pixabay

Best time of year to plant peanut plant spring.

Does the peanut plant need care?

this peanut plant It needs plenty of water in the first weeks of growth. In addition, it is better to water regularly, yes, it is better to take care that water does not accumulate, as this can cause waterlogging and rotting of the plant.

As the plant grows, you should free up the irrigation area more and not water for a few days just before harvesting the fruit.

How long does it take to grow peanuts?

Since sow the seed It will take at least four months until they can harvest their own peanuts. Normally the plant is planted in the spring and the fruits are harvested in the fall. But if it’s underground, how will you know when it’s time to collect the peanuts? There are a few signs that will allow you to see if the peanuts are ready to be harvested. For example, when the plants begin to dry out and have yellow leaves, it will be a good sign that the peanuts are ready.

How are peanuts collected?

What you need to do to collect peanuts remove the whole plant from the pot very carefully let it dry in the sun for 48 hours. After this time, your peanuts will be ready to consume.