There is nothing more common in the bathroom. take a shower with divide. This basic element, which solves the problems of splashes or puddles that other objects such as shower curtains cannot cover, has become indispensable in many homes. Its simplicity and elegance mean that many people choose this option over others.

There are transparent, translucent ones, ones with simple motifs such as stripes or colored areas, or ones with more cheerful decorations. Screens offer a number of possibilities that make them a favorite of many.

However, it is not all positive things, nor are there any positive aspects that would reduce its effectiveness. screens offers an almost enclosed space When we take a shower, we only leave the top part exposed, and we don’t even leave it open. This causes moisture on the bathroom walls to be released over time, as it provides more insulation than other materials such as curtains.

We should also add to this the fact that lime stains may occur on the glass of the screen, more or less depending on the type of water, soap or shampoo. And this the screens They are aesthetically pleasing when clean, but they require maintenance almost every day. If you want them to look like new.

From home remedies to traditional cleaners or new formulas, some simpler than others, there are many ways to keep your screens in tip-top shape. One of the clearest examples of this is the cleaning secret revealed by the phenomenon “La Ordenatriz” on her Instagram account.

But in addition to these cleaning tips, there is another way to avoid having to clean every week, and that is to simply not clean. put the screen. It may sound crazy, but new trends in decorating this space in the home point in this direction.

The best alternative to the bathroom screen

It is best not to have a screen directly on it to avoid having to clean it. The latest interior design trends aim to ditch the two glass doors and opt for minimalism.

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separating walls These are the favorites of those who have recently chosen to renovate their bathrooms. In this way, the design of the bathroom is taken advantage of and splashes of water are prevented by playing with the brick wall and the area of ​​the shower tray. If you’d rather sacrifice coverage and let in light, half walls are the option, but you’ll want to be careful not to oversplash or flood the bathroom.

Other alternatives offered are dividers that function the same as a wall, but not as a wall. It prevents us from undertaking big things.. With the divider you can play with the design more than with brick walls, and they give the bathroom a look of minimalism, although their resistance to the passage of time is worse.