this summer best time for your pet to enjoy good time, but may also be subject to disturbances caused by strong heat. Reason? The mechanism for dealing with sudden changes in temperature is different from ours and is not as efficient.


  • How to deal with heat stroke

  • Heat stroke and children: how to behave

dogs are missing sweat glands and they can only take the heat breathless, exude through the pads of the paws and sparse areas, like belly. These mechanisms may not be sufficient on days of intense heat and your pet will suffer from heatstroke, which can be fatal if not acted on in a timely manner.

As with humans, heat stroke They are more likely to affect older and younger dogs, as well as those with respiratory problems: English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pug, Boxer... Black-haired dogs are at higher risk of suffering from hyperthermia, as this color tends to absorb more heat.

heat stroke symptoms

How do you know if your pet is suffering from hyperthermia? Dogs with this disorder experience the following symptoms:

  • High body temperature above 42ºC, normal between 38ºC and 39ºC.

  • The heart rate increases and the dog becomes very bored.

  • The skin takes on a bluish tint caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood.

  • Surprisingly, muscle tremors and significant decrease in strength.

  • Small red blood spots appear on the skin.

These are usually the mildest symptoms, but if not treated in a timely manner, your dog will go into shock, faint, even die.

How to deal with heat stroke

If you think your dog has heat stroke, don’t hesitate. take him to the vet Private But if that’s not possible, these tips can be very helpful in the beginning:

  • The most important thing is to cool the dog so that its temperature drops below 42ºC.

  • If in a car or indoors with high temperatures, lap your dog in a less warm area as soon as possible, preferably in the shade.

  • Refresh with some water, but not too cold as it causes vasoconstriction and makes you lose less heat. You can freshen it up by rubbing wet towels on your feet, body, neck, around your head… But don’t cover them completely.

  • It’s important to give him water to drink regularly to avoid becoming dehydrated.

  • Fan him out or run an ice cube over his armpits, groin, and neck.

  • Massage the lower extremities to promote circulation.

Although the animal breathes well and looks better, don’t hesitate to go Vet because it could damage an internal organ.

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Tips to avoid heatstroke

  1. If you want your dog not to suffer from heat stroke, never leave him alone in the car or any enclosed space, even with the windows open. The stress that being alone can cause is a factor to consider.

  2. Don’t take it out on the street either, stop running it during the hottest hours. Moreover, don’t run it on asphalt when it’s too hotbecause it can cause burns on the pads.

  3. Finally, try and be sure to feed him when the hottest hours have passed. fresh water is always available.