Special cleansing techniques allow you to replace this with an exercise, burning calories and strengthening various muscles. In this respect daily mail D., professor of health promotion and healthy behavior at the University of Maryland Integrative Health. Duston Morris said:
One hour of moderate-intensity exercise (such as brisk walking or strength training) can burn an average of 300-400 kilocalories (kcal). But cleaning can help expend the same amount of energy. So, 30 minutes of sweeping or mopping dust “burns” 80 kcal, and pulling straight legs or lifting on toes while mopping the shelves helps work out the muscles of both the upper and lower body. To increase your energy expenditure, you can add lunges and squats to move around the room while scrubbing the floors by hand. Just 10 minutes of squat cleaning will allow you to spend 80 kcal.
The expert also said that an experiment involving professional cleaners showed that cleaning the kitchen burns more calories than cleaning other rooms. Washing dishes by hand burns approximately 160 kcal in half an hour. Cleaning your bathroom tiles for half an hour will burn up to 100 calories and exercise your hand, arm and shoulder muscles. Washing allows you to spend up to 50 kcal in half an hour if you squat while loading and unloading the washing machine and dryer. It is important to work with both hands and sometimes switch to the dominant one to avoid overexerting one side.
“If you use housecleaning as a way to increase physical activity, do so for 20 to 30 minutes each day. To maintain muscle balance, focus on doing laundry and dusting one day, cleaning the bathroom the next, and vacuuming and mopping on other days,” Morris concluded.
Previous scientists removed The myth that you need to take 10 thousand steps a day.
Source: Gazeta
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.