This Saturday, an unusual incident occurred on a flight departing from Zaragoza airport when one of the passengers was drunk, forcing the company to evacuate the plane and causing all other passengers to have to disembark. There were times 224 people inside and eventually they all returned to the terminal.
As the Civil Guard reported this Sunday, the incidents took place the day before at 9.15 in the morning at the Garrapinillos track. One of the passengers Romanian nationality Zaragoza resident was drunk on one of the company planes Wizz Air He was preparing to depart for Bucharest, Romania.
At the time of the incident, this passenger went to the plane’s access door and tried to force it open. In addition to the logical confusion he created in the rest of the passengers, this passenger managed to damage him so that the plane could no longer take off until it was repaired. And existence Civil Guard assisting with evacuation missions.
In the end, the rest of the passengers were unable to leave Zaragoza. 23:00, was on another company plane, and even 224 victims didn’t make it. Due to lack of space on the plane, which could take off at night, 50 people had to stay on the ground.
Source: Informacion
James Sean is a writer for “Social Bites”. He covers a wide range of topics, bringing the latest news and developments to his readers. With a keen sense of what’s important and a passion for writing, James delivers unique and insightful articles that keep his readers informed and engaged.