An Australian woman has become the first person to recover from an infection caused by a bacterium that causes emphysematous carbuncles in farm animals. She contracted the infection after being scratched by a house cat while working with her bare hands in the garden. The report, prepared by doctors from the University of New South Wales and the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH), was published in 2017. Australian Medical Journal.
A 48-year-old woman experienced nausea and vomiting for three days and progressively worsening pain in the lower right part of her abdomen after gardening without gloves. When he went to hospital, blood tests showed that his kidneys and liver were not working properly and that lactic acid, a biomarker of septic shock produced by muscles during high-intensity exercise, was building up in his bloodstream. He also had diarrhea.
Although a computed tomography (CT) scan of her abdomen showed no signs of inflammation or infection, doctors prescribed her antibiotics as a precaution. After increasing pain, a repeat CT scan showed severe bowel inflammation.
Two days later, doctors discovered that the symptoms were caused by a bacterial infection. Clostridium chauvoei. They usually live as spores in the soil; When swallowed or inhaled, they enter the bloodstream and then into the muscles. Main host in cattle C. chauvoeiThis leads to necrosis and the development of emphysematous carbuncle (emcar). Doctors think the woman contracted the infection after her bare hands were scratched by a cat while working in the garden. After three months of a course of antibiotics, treatment in a hyperbaric chamber, removal of part of the intestine and an ostomy to remove feces through an opening in the abdominal cavity, the woman recovered.
So far, two cases of human infection with the bacterium have been reported. C. chauvoei, but they did not survive: one had a weakened immune system and the other had a serious soft tissue infection. Doctors believe the Australian woman survived because she started taking antibiotics early.
doctors before reported The purple swelling on the baby’s head could be a swelling in the brain.
Source: Gazeta

Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.