Oriana Marzoli broke her silence after learning that she was leaving the ‘Big Brother VIP’ house. The influencer uploaded a post to her Instagram account this Friday afternoon after recovering her mobile phone. ensures that you do not voluntarily abandon your reality telecincoHe threatened to take legal action.
“I categorically deny leaving GH VIP 8. Any official and/or unofficial information that says I have given up the lie of all lies. “Now all the facts will be known and I reserve the right to initiate the necessary legal proceedings for this,” Marzoli said in this broadcast, where he also thanked his fans for the support he received: “I would never let you down.”
Oriana Marzoli’s remarks came just a few hours after ‘Big Brother VIP’ announced Oriana Marzoli’s departure from her home in Guadalix de la Sierra to her fellow contestants and followers respectively.
At this time the program organization has not made any contact. Why, how and when did Oriana Marzoli decide to leave voluntarily?His determination to fulfill the promise he made to Marta Flich at the beginning of this raid. This content will be available to view in ‘Discussion’ next Sunday, Mediaset announced in a press release.
So far, Oriana was one of the main heroines of this edition of ‘GH VIP’. In addition to a confrontation with Alex Canigia, Laura Bozzo and Jessica Bueno, the influencer also had a controversial moment with a visit from her current partner; His partner even kicked in the door and shouted that he should call the police. He refused to meet her in exchange for the final prize of 12,000 euros.
Source: Informacion
Barbara Dickson is a seasoned writer for “Social Bites”. She keeps readers informed on the latest news and trends, providing in-depth coverage and analysis on a variety of topics.