Environmentalists plot against ‘pesticide plague’

Agricultural production is the main source of widespread contamination, particularly from pesticides (pesticides, herbicides and fungicides), which can have serious consequences for human health.. So much so that these biocidal products, popularly known as pesticides, increased risk of diabetes, reproductive and respiratory disorders, neurological dysfunction, and cancer“.

This is how the manifesto begins.plague of pesticidesIt contains a decalogue with recommendations to the competent authorities on pesticides, environment, agriculture, education, consumption and public health. reduction of these toxic products used in food production.

The text was signed by four of the main Spanish environmental organizations: WWF, Ecologistas en Acción, SEO/BirdLife and the Spanish Association of Organic Agriculture and Agroecology (SEAE). current legislation fails to protect people or the environment from the effects of these pesticides.

“Regulation exists shortcomings This is why it cannot be effectively implemented in its scope, implementation, and appropriateness. precautionary principle Not required by European legislation or specific Bad habits“, they point.

A farmer uses herbicides in his orchard. Paul Grebliunas/Greenpeace

The four NGOs urged political parties, organizations and institutions to comply with the manifesto, believing that “it is time to bet on a binding standard for all Member States on the use and efficacy of pesticides”.

European Green Deal

Because of these reasons European Green Deal (PVE) recommends reduce the use and risk of synthetic pesticides by 50% and the use of the most dangerous by 50%. It also launches other offers such as: Promoting organic production and gaining space for nature in agricultural areasas guarantor of food production.

For this purpose to be binding, Regulation on the Sustainable Use of PesticidesThis will require all Member States to adapt these targets to reduce the use and risk of synthetic pesticides.

“But, this proposal is boycotted by some political parties and agro-industrial sectorsconcerned with preventing what is necessary agroecological transition He condemned the NGOs that signed the manifesto by saying “Towards healthy food production for people and ecosystems”.

That’s why they’re asking the Spanish authorities with jurisdiction over pesticides to consider this decalogue and turn it into law. Changes Improves the regulation proposal. They also demand that they facilitate negotiations in Europe, particularly during Spain’s EU presidency, so that the arrangement comes to light before 2024.

Demonstration against the use of glyphosate. EFE / Olivier Hoslet

These NGOs share their knowledge and experience “The necessary and urgent agroecological transition towards healthy and sustainable food systems for humans and ecosystems“. And they want it not to be given”not a step back in environmental ambition It will be able to prevent the achievement of the goals specified in the PVE.


Finally, environmental organizations also require authorities to make a state-level commitment with the following recommendations:

1. Set Ambitious, binding and measurable targets for quantitative and qualitative reduction of pesticide use.

2nd start with immediate implementation of these reduction targets for highly polluted areas.

3. Take A public system of advice, education and support for reducing the use and impact of pesticides.

4. Express it clearly regular information campaigns for the public.

5. Regarding the political framework for the agroecological transition: strengthen existing regulations on pesticides and the environment; designing effective standards for reducing widespread pollution; and establish, among other measures, equity measures that ensure access to pesticide-free food for the entire population.

6. Empowerment An integrated management system for expired pesticides.

7. About available information: improve data quality by avoiding industry research; conducting annual official analyzes of pesticide use data; eliminate statistical secrecy; and replace harmonized pesticide risk indicators with others, such as a more balanced and more precise indicator of toxic load, among other measures.

8. break up Systematically grant exceptional permits for pesticides and air applications, except for quarantine pests or risks to human health.

9. Forbidden In the EU, pesticides are not allowed to be produced in Spain.

10. Heal analytical control, inspection and sanctions that encourage and require the implementation of preventive and corrective measures that prevent health and environmental risks.

Air fumigation study. pixabay

Manifesto ‘Pesticide plague’: https://agroecologia.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/MANIFIESTO-PLAGA-PLAGUICIDAS_JUNIO-2023.pdf

Collecting signatures against pesticides: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNb5DQVUvpZYxjEBAPw_z7CalE6HnUHzPrxU1n-MfWMO3MeA/viewform

Source: Informacion


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