Worried about how to remove aphids from plants in your garden? These little insects most common pests affecting our lives floorsIt feeds on its essence and causes diseases. Fortunately, There are natural and effective solutions to get rid of them. and restore your plants to health. we bring you todayp 5 home remedies Infallible for eliminating aphids from your plants and keep your garden in perfect condition.

Home remedies to destroy aphids from plants

Garlic is a natural and effective solution to combat aphids of different colors such as black, green and white. Garlic, with its antibacterial and antifungal properties, not only kills aphids, but also prevents bacterial and fungal infections in your plants.

for use garlic as a home remedy against aphidsPrepare a garlic infusion by following these steps:

  • Cut 4 or 5 cloves of garlic into small pieces and crush them lightly.

  • Add the garlic to a liter of water and let it rest covered for 24 hours.

  • Then boil the mixture for 20 minutes, let it cool and strain.

  • Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray your affected plants for 5 days, preferably out of direct sunlight.

Vinegar acts as an aphid repellent thanks to its smell and acetic acid content.. While it won’t kill these insects directly, using it daily for a few days will keep them off your plants.

To prepare this repulsive Mix 1 liter of natural wine vinegar with 10 liters of water. Spray your plants with this solution when they are not in direct sun to prevent white and other colored aphids.

Green or white nettles are another effective home remedy to eliminate aphids of different colors. Its aroma and ingredients are excellent for fighting this plague. To prepare nettle juice, follow these steps:

  • Wearing gloves, take a bunch of nettle and place it in a container containing 1.5 to 2 liters of water.

  • Leave the nettles covered for a day to marinate.

  • Strain the liquid, pour it into a spray bottle and spray your affected plants to quickly kill the aphid.

Say goodbye to aphids: Natural ways to keep your plants healthy and pest-free Image by Hans from Pixabay

Tobacco contains toxic substances that are harmful to health, such as nicotine. aphids. To use tobacco as a natural pesticide, follow these steps:

  • Add the tobacco to a container of water and let it release its substances for as long as possible.

  • Strain the liquid and put it in a spray bottle.

  • Spray your aphid-affected plants when they are not exposed to direct sunlight to prevent them from getting burned. Do not use this method for more than 15 days in a row.

soap a home treatment It is very effective for eliminating all types of aphids, whether black, yellow, red, green or white. You can use liquid dish soap, but be sure to use it correctly so you don’t harm your plants.

So is soap Effective against whitefly and cotton mealybug, one of the most persistent pests. To prepare this home remedy, follow these steps:

  • Mix water with some liquid hand dish soap (do not use automatic dish soap).

  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray your affected plants.

  • Observe how the aphids leave your plants without any problems.

with these natural medicine and effective, you can keep your plants and garden free from aphids and other pests. In addition to eliminating them, you will prevent and protect the appearance of these harmful insects. Don’t wait any longer to try these home remedies and get your herbs back to health!

Remember that it is very important to apply these treatments regularly and preventively to keep your plants free of aphids and other pests.. Constantly monitor the condition of your plants and act quickly for any signs of infestation. Prevention and early prevention are the keys to maintaining a healthy and pest-free garden.