“Mummy 4” featuring a fat Brendan Fraser was banned, surprising fans

Mama Brendan Fraser

Unexpected information appeared on the network, from which it became known that The Mummy 4 with the fat Brendan Fraser, as well as other Mummies, were banned.

It became known that the museums of Great Britain decided to abandon the word “mummy”, and therefore completely ban it. It is noted that museum leaders decided to take such a step out of respect for the deceased, since the term “mummy” is considered inhumane in relation to them. Museums now use the terms “mummified man” or “mummified remains.” A spokesman for one of Britain’s museums notes that if a person’s name is known, only the name is used instead of the term “mummy”. If the name is unknown, the expression “mummified man, woman, boy, girl, person or person” is used.

It is worth noting that the word “Mummy” is the main title for the movie trilogy with Brendan Fraser in the title role. Some netizens have suggested that filmmakers might also stop using the word “mummy” in their titles. Accordingly, the theoretical film “The Mummy 4” with Brendan Fraser, to which the actor himself recently alluded, can be given another name. It should also be noted that the picture “Mummy 4” has not yet been officially announced.

Actor Brendan Fraser starred in the films “The Mummy”, “The Mummy Returns” and others. Recently, the artist lost weight and began to look noticeably better, which is why fans hoped that the film “Mummy 4” would still go into production. However, now fans are not sure what the name of the new picture could be.

Source: Game Bomb


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