Little deer ‘Bambi’ that continues to shed tears 80 years later

this August 13, 1942One of these premiered at Carthay Circle in New York. more mature and sad deeds Disney cinematography, lfirst person to show death directly to childrenthe story of the little deer bambiIt continues to cause tears 80 years later.

The death of Bambi’s mother at the hands of a hunter to set a precedent in cinema children animationbecause this is the first time this subject has been shown so openly to children.

Walt Disney defended the idea that death should also be present in his stories. “I don’t think you need to clarify the truth for children, both in life and in movies”he argued, according to the book “The Walt Disney Archives.”

The film tells the story of this shy little deer, who lives slowly with his mother in the forest, and learns great lessons from his mother and makes new friends such as Tambor the rabbit, Flor the skunk and Faline the deer. .

When you lost her, Bambi goes to live with his fatherHe becomes the Prince of the Jungle and, eventually, a strong young deer who will have to fight for the love of his life, Faline. face your worst enemy, man.

The birth of the project came from filmmaker Sidney Franklin, who bought the rights to the book “Bambi”. In 1933, he talked to Walt Disney about the possibility of making an animated film about it, with “Story of a Life in the Forest” (1923), written by Félix Salten.

This classic wasn’t done overnight, but the result of a long process. The first interviews took place in 1933, but at that time Disney had not yet considered making any animated films – the first was “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” in 1937.

In April 1937, midway through the production of his first feature film, Disney contacted Franklin again to purchase the movie rights to ‘Bambi’ and formally hire him to collaborate on adapting the screenplay.

This would be the second film from his studio. After ‘Snow White’, but the difficulty of accurately reflecting the movements of animals delayed it by five years.

Came to the study, along with other animals two little deer so that in later years animators can observe, study and draw them in all growth stages, also the way they must move. Much of the charm of the backgrounds and characters came from the Chinese artist Tyrus Wong.

But despite all the efforts and big budgets of both Disney and his team, ‘Bambi’ was not well received. Critics rightly noted its harsh nature, considering it unsuitable for children.

On the other hand, the imitations of the heroes based on the gestures of real children captivated the audience, while some experts considered the softening of the animals excessive.

‘Bambi’ released in the middle of WWII initial recorded losses. But a year later, in 1943, he was nominated. three oscars (Best Sound, “Love is a Song,” and Best Song for an Original Musical Composition), and when the war was over, it returned to theaters in 1947, this time with notable success.

‘Bambi’ is accepted today a gem and on the American Film Institute’s list of the ten best animated films in history (AFI) ranks third behind “Snow White” and “Pinocchio”.

Disney has managed to create an unforgettable character and a movie full of emotion and subtlety. And Bambi not only tells about a deer roaming the woods with her friends, but also He talks about the importance of friendship, love and courage to face life’s toughest moments.

Source: Informacion


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