Artificial intelligence has assessed the possibility that Telegram founder Pavel Durov is really the father of three children of blogger Irina Bolgar. The data from the relevant experiment is given below: RIA Novosti
The AI compared photos of Leah, Daniel and David with the businessman’s childhood photos and rated the similarity at 82%.
According to the developer of the AI model, his program compares faces in two photos and displays the results in real time. As a result, if the similarity exceeds 80%, the photo may belong to the same person.
The similarity between the photo of Bolgar’s daughter Leia and Durov’s childhood photo turned out to be minimal – 40.47%, the similarity of Bolgar’s eldest son Daniel with Durov was assessed by AI at 59.02%, and the highest was the similarity of Durov with the youngest child David – 82.28%. The children’s photos for the experiment were taken from Bolgar’s public Instagram account (its owner, Meta, is recognized as an extremist in Russia and is banned).
Bolgar claims that she met Durov in the summer of 2012. They began living together six months later, and in December 2013 the couple had their first child, daughter Leah. In January 2016, a son named Daniel was born in St. Petersburg, and in September 2017, David.
Bolgar at the beginning of August supplied Proof that Durov is the father of her children.
Durov previously It was published In the post he admitted that he has over 100 biological children living in 12 countries.
What are you thinking?
Source: Gazeta
Brandon Hall is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a cultural aficionado who writes about the latest news and developments in the world of art, literature, music, and more. With a passion for the arts and a deep understanding of cultural trends, Brandon provides engaging and thought-provoking articles that keep his readers informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the cultural world.