Mikhail S., performer of the song and dance ensemble of the strategic missile forces “Red Star”, was deceived when buying a clarinet. In this respect reports Telegram channel Baza.
According to the channel, to buy a clarinet, Mikhali contacted a person from Alexander, and Alexander asked to transfer him 60 thousand rubles to send the instrument by package.
The musician transferred the specified amount, but never received the clarinet. The seller stopped communication, and then Mikhail had to write a statement to the police.
Phone scammers in Rostov-on-Don a day ago requested The family of the missing artist Yuri Ch. has 1 million rubles. They claim he is being held hostage. According to the source, the artist’s relatives were contacted through Ukrainian numbers. Probably the man had to borrow money and hide from loved ones.
Previously singer Philip Kirkorov named the amount I’m willing to race in front of a Yorkshire terrier.
Source: Gazeta
Brandon Hall is an author at “Social Bites”. He is a cultural aficionado who writes about the latest news and developments in the world of art, literature, music, and more. With a passion for the arts and a deep understanding of cultural trends, Brandon provides engaging and thought-provoking articles that keep his readers informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the cultural world.